Age 14 (part 1)

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"Come on Jess, were going to be late for the movie!" Adam (sky) says waiting in the car.

"I'm coming Adam! Just let me say bye to Garroth!" Jess yells. "Garroth I'll see you later." She waves bye to him.

"Bye Aphmau..." Garroth sighed. At this point everyone was calling Aphmau Jess. Garroth was the only one who still called her that. It hurt to see Jess with Adam. Garroth wanted more than anything in the world to get the balls to tell her how he feels. The age difference can be a real struggle, with Garroth being 16 and Aphmau 14. Garroth stomps off up into his bedroom, with his head glued to his feet.

"Garroth, honey what's wrong" His mom asked in a kind voice.

"Nothing mom. I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" Garroth snapped pacing up the stairs faster. He shut his door with almost a slam. A few minutes later Garroth's mom opens the door then walks in.

"Irene! Ever hear of knocking!" Garroth shouted. His mother tried sitting on the bed to compert him; but quickly pushing her away.

"Garroth! What's going on with you!?" Garroth's mother asked. "Is this about school?"

"No," Garroth sighed "It's about Aphmau..." Garroth begins to tell his mom all about his attraction towards her


Garroth begins to tear up. He never cried, The last time Garroth cried was when his father left him and his mother for another family. Garroth's father left him when he turned 7, to him it still feels like it was yesterday, even though it was almost 10 years ago.
Garroth rested his head on his mother's lap, almost sobbing at the fact that Aphmau will never like him that way. Garroth's mom started to pat rub his back in a soothing way to calm him down.

"Aww honey... I always knew you liked Jessica, even before you knew. Mother's can ALWAYS tell, even if you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing. Remember that for the future." Garroth mom said softly.

"Really?" Garroth said whiping away the tears.

"Yep, and honey, I know your getting to the age wh-" Garroth cuts his mother off. "Mom! This is NOT the time to lecture me about sex!!! We already had that talk like 4 years ago!!"


Jessica and Adam arive at the movies. They both step out of the car and wave bye to Adam's mom as she drops them off. He gives Jess a quick peck on the cheak, making her blush.
"Jess... Uh.. You look very... PRETTYFUL tonight.." Adam states akwardly, combing his curly hair back with his fingers.

"Um, thanks Adam." She replied back.

Adam looks over at a girl with red hair who seemed to be in the same grade as him.

"Hey Jess I think that's Alesa from my class, mind if I go talk to her while you get us popcorn?" Adam eagerly asked looking in Alesa's direction.

"Uh sure I guess..." Jess being clueless as ever. Adam had always had a crush on Alesa that Jessica never knew about. He walks over towards her and they begin to chat. They seemed to be talking for a while, so Jess took a seat with the popcorn and waited for them to finish talking.

Minutes turned into a house, and that hour became 2 hours. People started to walk in and out of all of the different theaters. Jess was being paceint. Although she began to grow sad, its like she didn't exist. Her Dad texted her worried that she wasn't back home yet.

Honey are you okay, you've been at the movies for a long time now, did something happen?

Jess was strong. She didn't want her parents to know that she was hurt.

Yeah dad, I'm fine. Can you pick me up please?

Of course pumpkin! I'll be right there!

She looks over at the two still talking, then they just walk into one of thr theaters. She sheads a few tears over the popcorn that she bought then, but the one thing that came over her mind was that night almost 2 years on her 13th birthday.

"Garroth" she whispered looking down at the popcorn. "I need to talk to him.."

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