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It was a cloudy day in Cokeworth, England when a small boy sat in his tiny back yard, waiting for his brother to return from school. He had been waiting since September, when his brother had first left, just as he had two years previously. His brother had an option to return home during the Christmas Season, as well as the spring one, but never took the opportunity. Instead, he stayed at school, leaving his brother here, in Spinner's End, to fend for himself.

"Where have you been?! It shouldn't have taken that long to get the brat!" He heard his father scream from inside the house behind him, interrupting his thoughts. He looked up from the ground, but continued to sit, keeping his back towards the noise. He knew it was going to happen: His father didn't like his mother going out, or using her magic. To get his brother, she had to do both. 

He heard his mother let out a painful gasp. The window nearest him had been broken during their last argument, and since it was yet to be fixed, he could easily hear everything. 

"I was right where I said I would be. It just took a while to get Severus un-loaded. There were a lot of kids and-" His mother began, but halted as she let out another gasp.

"You're lying! I know you're lying! Where were you?! You only go where I tell you to go! And you! You're lucky I even let you go to this stupid school! Magic! Ha! You're evil, the lot of you! If it didn't mean I wouldn't have to see your disgusting face, then you would be here with you brother, actually doing something useful!" 

"Where's Fyrus?" His mother cut in, somehow still keeping an even tone. 

"The useless thing's outside."

"Severus, go outside with your brother. Don't worry about your trunk. You can get it later."

There was a pause, then his father spoke again.

"You speak to your mother and look at her!"


Another pause.

"Yes, what, you ungrateful git!" 

"Yes, mother." His brother answered.

A moment later, the back door opened, then closed again. He still didn't turn around.

"Give me the wand!" His father demanded. "Give it to me now! You aren't allowed to use that evil here!"

"No, Tobias! Stop it now!" 

"You do not tell me what to do! And you do not disobey me! You'll get it back when you have to take the boy back!" 

"Father's drunk." His brother, Severus, informed, sitting down beside him. He finally looked over.

"I know. He started right after Mother left. And it's gotten worse. He's started doing it every day. He's spending all of our money on it. We barley have any food. But it doesn't matter to you. You're gone most of the time." 

"You'll have the option next year, Fyrus." 

"But even when you're here, you're always with that Evans girl."

"Her name is Lily." Severus firefly corrected. "You know that."

"It doesn't matter. I'm tired of being stuck here with Father. I'm tired of him yelling, and his hitting, and just him. He's nothing but a stupid drunk!"

"I know that. And you know that he's not going to let us leave."

"Use your magic."

"It doesn't work like that. Besides, he took my wand, and mother's too from the sound of it. We're stuck here until he dies, or until we come of age. Which ever comes first."

"Hopefully he dies tomorrow..." The boy said, 

Hopefully he dies this second. The boy thought, looking back down at the ground between his legs. 

The two fell into silence. The loud arguing continued behind them. 

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