Chapter 1

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November, 1978

5th Year

"Mr. Snape, just what do you think you are dong?!" Professor McGonagall questioned, quickly grabbing a wand from Fyrus Snape's hand. Fyrus spun around, attempting to reach back out and grab the wand. However, she had been a teacher for quiet some time, and knew to pull the wand out of his reach. "What about you, deary? Are you okay?"

"I-I think so...." The child stammered. McGonagall shook her head.

"Go on to the Common Room, and I'll check on you in a moment." She assured, and he stared at her, wide eyed, and still a little frightened. "Go on." She said again, then he turned, slowly walking at first, then breaking into a sprint as he rounded the corner. The professor watched, debating to remind him that there was no running in the corridors, but finally decided not to, in consideration to the bullying that had just went on. She turned her attention back to the Snape, frowning.

"This is the third time this week, Mr. Snape! And aren't you suppose to be in detention?" She paused, waiting for Fyrus to reply. Instead, he stayed silent, staring at her with eyes that seemed empty, masking anything that could be going on behind them. She continued. "I have had just about enough of you! Always causing trouble! Come! Lets consult the headmaster." She turned, taking him by his shirt sleeve. She stopped, added, "Again." Then continued down the long corridor, dragging him behind her.

Through the school they went, McGonagall angrily pushing her path through students huddled in her way, and Fyrus willingly being pulled behind her, seeming completely unphased. They continued like this until, finally, they ended up in front of the large, gargoyle statue guarding the entrance of the headmaster's office.

"Butterscotch Crunch!" She exclaimed, making Fyrus smirk at the contrast of her tone and the lighthearted words. McGonagall, however, did not see this, because as soon as the gargoyle moved out of the way to allow them into the office, she began pulling him once again.

They circled up the long, winding stairs at a quick pace that, again, did not stop until they reached their destination. They stopped, but only for a second, in front of the of the large, ornamental door of the head master's office, and the professor, a little aggressively, knocked on the door.

"Yes?" The door opened, and in it stood a man Fyrus had gotten to see many times since the school year had started, as well as the previous four years he had been their. "Ahh, Minerva. How are you today?" The man turned his attention to Fyrus. "Oh, and Fyrus. What brings you here today?" As if it weren't obvious. Fyrus was there often, and every time for almost the same reason; bullying, misbehaving, and being cheeky, or, some combination of the three.

"I have had enough of Mr. Snape, professor! You will not believe what he was doing to another student! He was-" McGonnagall cut in, her tongue sharp. Professor Dumbledore shook his head.

"Smile, Minerva. It's a lovely day." Fyrus always found it odd that no matter what he did, the headmaster never spoke to him in hateful tones or yelling. Instead, he was always calm, and, in a way, understanding. That is, foolishly understanding. Fyrus knew that this visit wasn't going to be any different than any other visit. The old man would just ask him what his motive was, which Fyrus would reply with a "I don't know". He would then be told that he knew what he was doing was wrong, and that he needs to stop being a bully, and so on, and so on...

"Why don't you go check on the other student?" He continued, "I will take care of Mr. Snape."

"But Albus-"

"Go on Minerva. Do not worry yourself." He requested again. McGonagall looked from the headmaster, then to Fyrus, then back to the headmaster. They locked eyes for a moment, before she sighed, and looked away.

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