Chapter 2

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December, 1978

5th Year, Christmas Holiday

"I want to speak with Him!" Fyrus demanded, crossing his arms and watching his brother cut peppers from across the room. They were in the small kitchen, back in Spinner's End. They had moved back in a couple weeks ago after the death of their father. Apparently, he had been on one of his drinking binges and tried to go out the back door. He fell down the stairs and broke his neck. He was found three days later by one of the neighbors after their dog came home with a disembodied pinky from his left hand.

The brothers had no funeral for the man, but instead had him buried as soon as possible, and in the cheapest casket they could find. This left the house for theme, as well as the little money in his back account, which also left a large chunk of income for them that would have otherwise been used for rent. This was enough money for them to buy a nice sized turkey for them to eat on Christmas, as well as all kinds of side dishes, including green beans, potatoes to mash, puddings, cakes, cranberry sauce, corn, and much more. And it was all going to be paired with a large bottle of the Malfoy's famous fine, complimentary straight from the family itself. This Christmas, they were going to feast.

Severus was currently preparing some of the dishes to take away from the amount he would have to make over the next couple days.

"There is nothing I can do for you, Fyrus." Severus replied, moving on to the green onions. He began chopping them into small slivers.

"Yes you can! You have the Mark! Tell Him I want to meet with Him and I am loyal to Him! I want the Mark, too!"

"I don't have that power! He trusts me, but not enough to take recruitment suggestions from me."

"Well them, how did you get in?" Fyrus accusingly questioned. Severus sighed, put down the knife, and turned around.

"I didn't do anything. Lucius Malfoy recommended me. He trusts Lucius. "

"Then have Lucius talk to Him."

"I am not going to use Lucius for your personal gain." Severus was getting annoyed by his brother's juvenile behavior. Fyrus, however, was not picking up on this, and continued to show his own annoyance and anger.

"You are my brother, Sev! You're suppose to help me out!" He finally yelled, as he was prone to do. He had always been an angry child, and had grown into an angrier young man. Where this was considered a tantrum when he was younger, and a mocking of his father, it was now, understandably, considered rude and uncivilized. And Severus didn't feel like dealing with it tonight, as he was making their Christmas dinner, with no help from him.

"I am trying to help you! Do you not realize that this is dangerous?! If He doesn't like you, then He has no problem with killing you! If He thinks you have nothing to offer, He'll kill you. And do you know what else will get you killed? Your temper! If you blow up like this to Him, He will kill you! Do you want to die?!"

The room was silent for a moment. Then, finally, Fyrus stood up, red face, and visibility much angrier than before.

"Are you threatening me?!" He yelled. Severus let out a disgusted howl, but decided to reply in a calm tone.

"If that is what you want to think, then go ahead. But I want you to understand that I am not arranging anything for you. If you want a meeting with Him, you have to figure it out yourself."

This only enraged Fyrus even more. He stepped forward, sizing his brother up, which wasn't too hard considering he was two inches taller. Severus looked his brother in the face, un-phased. This wasn't anything unusual. Finally, he swung his fist forward, aiming for his brother's face. Severus was expecting this, so he simply stepped to the left, causing Fyrus to make full contact with the cabinet hanging above the counter. This caused him to loudly curse, not only at his brother, but also at the cabinet, the tree it was made from, and the craftsman who made it.

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