Chapter 3

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November, 1979. 6th Year

Melody rushed down the hall, hoping it wasn't too late. She was suppose to meet Fyrus on the front lawn at five, but she was running behind schedule. Her Charms class had run a little longer than usual, cutting the time allowing her to arrive almost nonexistent. If she ran fast enough, she may make it right on the hour. Other wise, she was going to be late, and chances were, that would be the case.

She turned the corner, slowing her pace as she finally found herself at the large double doors leading to the front lawn. She pulled the door open and went into the sunshine that was just starting to turn to dusk. Fyrus was visible across the way, sitting by a tree near the lake, his arms cross and his face hard. He had been counting the minutes. Against all hope, he knew she was late.

Despite the panic creeping into her throat, she fought to maintain a steady pace. She had to keep her courage up. Perhaps he was angry about something else. After all, it was very well possible that something else had set him off. He had a short, explosive tempter that was easily brought out. It could have been a bad grade, or a mean look directed towards him. Or,-"

"You're late." Fyrus commented as she approached. She stopped in front of him and let her bag fall off of her shoulder and onto the lush green grass.

"I know. I'm sorry, I just-"

"Why are you late?" He interrupted, his voice commanding with out yelling. Melody looked at her feet.

"Charms class was a little longer than usual. I got here as quickly as I could."

"You didn't seem to be in a hurry." He pointed out. She shook her head, feeling her temper she had hidden for so long begin to burn its was to the surface.

"I said I was sorry." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She flopped down beside him and rearranged her skirt around her knees. He put his arm around her shoulders, and she looked back towards the castle. He reached over and turned her face towards his with his free.

"Look, it's okay, just try to be on time, is all." He leaned in and lightly put his lips on hers. "Okay, Melody?" He asked again once they'd parted. She kept her face towards him, but cast her eyes down.

"Okay." She mumbled, and looked away once again. He looked at her in concern.

"Melody? What's wrong?" She stayed silent. "Melody, answer me, please... Melody?... Melody!" He finally snapped. She flinched and pulled his arm off of her. "Melody, what is wrong with you?" Fyrus could feel his cheeks reddening as anger began to spreading through his chest and up his throat. All he was trying to do was show some concern, but she was being ungrateful. all he wanted was one simple reply, and she was too uptight to even give him that.

Melody finally faced him again and spoke in a voice that was soft and trembling, but very sure.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"I know that isn't true. Now, tell me what's wrong!" He raised his voice. Melody's hand slid off of her lap and into the grass, which she grabbed onto.

"I'm tired of you yelling at me." She finally said, tears welling in her eyes. she was shaking. Fyrus took in a sharp breath.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm tired of you yelling at me. You yell, and then you hurt me. And unless something changes, I just can't do it anymore." A tear slide down her cheek, yet her demeanor was still strong.

"What are you talking about? I don't hurt you! Sure, I yell at you sometimes, but that's because you don't think! But I defiantly don't hurt you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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