part 2

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"Still trying are you?" Michael asked as a certain raven haired boy sat across him in the cafeteria. He didn't even need to look up from his game of Crossy Road to tell it was Calum.

The boy had already started on his daily task of getting a date with Michael when they were in maths. Michael was almost hoping that Calum would go back to the popular's table, but apparently the boy was stubborn.

Calum flashed him a smile even though Michael's attention was on a emo goose, "Of course! I don't give up."

"I'm still not going to date you." Michael said, unamused and slightly distracted from his game.

"That's what you think. Really I -" Calum's words stopped short as Michael leaned over a pressed a finger to the boy's lips.

"Shush, I'm concentrating on beating Luke's high score." Michael mumbled before moving back to his seat and continuing his game.

Calum was quiet, but Michael could feel Calum staring at him. He just couldn't be bothered to care in that moment. He was too into the mobile game to care. It was his lowkey payback for the music class incident yesterday. Michael held a grudge.

Once Michael died at 426, a good 273 points over Luke's he set the phone down and stared back at Calum. The boy was still staring and it both annoyed Michael and made him happy.

Really Michael kind of hated the part of him that was crushing on the pretty boy, even with what he heard about Calum. Michael couldn't help but still have a crush.

"So is there anything thing else you wanted besides a date with me? Because that will never happen." Michael folded his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows at Calum, schooling his expression into a neutral, uninterested one.

"C'mon, just one teeny tiny date." He pleaded, giving Michael his best puppy dog look. Part of Michael wanted to say yes, the part that he hated for having a crush on Calum and his cute puppy dog eyes. It took all of Michael's will power to continue looking neutral about it and shook his head,

"Nope, it's not gonna happen." Calum frowned and leaned on the table to look closer at Michael.

"You sure you don't have some sort of player complex? Be the one person to get me to stop playing around? Be the only one I touch? The only one I think about, not any of the girls and guys throwing themselves at me?" He whispered with a slight smirk.

Michael pursed his lips and shook his head again. "No, I'm not going to date you. Go pick someone else."

"But," Calum started and moved to sit next to Michael. "I want you. I don't want anyone else." He rested a hand on Michael's thigh and that was where Michael drew the line. The boy quickly got up leaving Calum alone at the table and left without another word.

It was one thing to be crushing on Calum, it was something else entirely to be getting turned on by him and Michael knew if he stayed around the boy any longer, Calum would know what he can do to Michael and it would be even harder to refuse those dates.

He had just gotten to his locker to get his books for his next class when he his phone buzzed in his pocket with a text.

From: Baby Duck
you lil shit
there's no way i'll beat your score

To: Baby Duck
it's my revenge

From: Baby Duck
you hold serious grudges

To: Baby Duck
shut up hemmings


At the end of school, Michael found himself around Calum once again. At least this time the boy was keeping his distance as the two was walking out of the school.

"I'm Calum and I like warm hugs." Calum blurted out. Michael took a step back in shock, the words being the last thing he expected Calum to say.

"Did you- Did just quote Frozen at me?"


"You did! Holy shit, please don't tell me that's your Disney favourite movie."

"It's not. I actually really like Brave." Michael paused and nodded in approval at Calum's choice. Calum grinned at Michael, noting that this was the first conversation they were having where there was no flirting.

Michael cracked a small smile at Calum which was returned by a grin. The boy could feel himself crushing a little more on Calum and he still didn't want to. Michael didn't want to get close to boy know that they'd probably break up after a week, but another part of him wanted to try.

"I-I gotta get going." Michael mumbled, his brain winning over his heart. He tried to ignore the disappointed look on Calum's face, but it looked so out of place and Michael kind of liked cocky asshole Calum way better than sad. "See you tomorrow, yeah?" He mumbled, trying to get a smile back on Calum's face before his left.

It worked and a cheeky grin was back of Calum's face. "Yeah, see you tomorrow babe. Same time, same class." Michael rolled his eyes, but the small smile on his lips was still there.


okay, the malum is now lowkey happening. and i'll try to get more lashton in the next chapter. also monday updates staying strong!! i'm trying people, i'm trying to update this every monday.

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