New beings deadly endings Part 1

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Presented day

I wake up everyday around 4 to start my day, first I go to the gym in my home no one every comes down here, but me I work out on the treadmill for 50 mins. Then I'm off to the shower after that its time to pick out what I'm going to wear for the day. I pick out a long black maxi skirt with tribal design and a white crop top and tan gladiator sandals. That day I felt like I should do my hair my hair was naturally curly, but its a a struggle and an uphill battle dealing with natural hair so I press it out which took 2 hours of my life. I walk down stairs to hear plates crashing to the floor and curse words


I come running to see my mother with her eye makeup all down her face, as my sandals clack to the kitchen floor making my presence known my mother truns her head she smiles sadly at me.

"I have to call you back I have to inform my daughter of what just happen"

Then she hit the end button on her phone and walked over to the kitchen table.

"Come here mi luz I have to tell you something"

I walk closer to my mother fearing the worst for knowing what I was about to hear, My heart was beating out of my chest when I reach the table where my mother is sitting at

"Please sit my love, look there is know other way I can say this baby but.....but your father got shot this morning when he was working"

When she said this I wanted to cry but papa taught me to be strong even if others were weak not saying that the mother was but I have to be strong one .
"Mama who shot him?"

" I don't know Aster, I don't get in to your father's work"

"So your saying it's someone that he might know or work with"

"Don't you want to know if your fathers ok, my god the only thing your thinking about  right now is who did it."

Mama always knew me so well and yes I was angry that someone shot my father, but I know that my papa is a survivor.

"Mama I know papa is ok trust me I know" as I grabbed her hand

"I know my child I am just worried"

"That's why you have me mama, can we go see papa I want to see him"

"No your Uncle Guillermo said he is still in surgery and he doesn't know how long he is going to be in there"

"Then I'll be there when he wakes, he probably want to see me when he wakes up right mama?"

"I said no it's too dangerous whoever shot your father could come after you next it's too risky"

"Fine but tomorrow I'm going to see him"

" fine by me but you will be having bodyguards with you 24/7 until we find your father's shooter"

" mama I do not need bodyguard I can protect myself"

"I know you can but it's too dangerous right now like I said"

"Ok... Mama when will my bodyguard's be here"

"Tomorrow morning they will be living here also"

"WHAT!?!?.... living here why?"

" these are not my wishes these are your father's"

"Fine but I want them no where near me"

" no need that of that sassy language they will have the guest bedrooms downstairs"

"Ok.. but what do I do now?"

Mostly after my daily routine me and papa would train for hours on end. Papa would train me on my fighting skills swordsmanship, and handling a gun, I started my first training when I was 10. I remember asking papa why did I have to train while all the other girls on our neighborhood had lemonade stand and Barbies. I got ninja stars and hunting knifes like seriously! What kind of childhood is this.

But now with papa gone what do I do now?

"Well you could help me with gardening I been needing a hand"

"But mom that is what servants are for"

"They are NOT! Servants young lady they just help out around the house when it is need, trust me if this house wasn't so big I would be the one cleaning I don't want to hear you call them servants again and if you want a little history lesson  your grandmother was a "servant" she work day and night to save all her money up to send me here to America so you should be thankful that you have someone working to clean up your messes"

I hate it when she gets so snappy at me when I call the maids, the help, or the servant like I didn't mean to I just don't have the proper words of what to call theme.

" I make myself clear?"

" crystal"

"Now get ya butt outside so we can pick the weeds"

"Yes mama"

After three hours of gardening I was tired and hungry. I walked to the the kitchen to make a sandwich I always love turkey sandwiches after that I walked up the stairs to my room, I smell  amber in my room, it just made life a little better. I walked to the bathroom to draw myself a warm bath, after my bath was done I slipped in too my  se pink night bottoms and matching black top I really like the collection but I never been to the store since mama doesn't let me go to the mall I use online shopping, cuz she has a fear that I might get kidnapped.

Like who would want to kidnap me?

I'm not that special I'm just your average 19 year old girl with very loving and protected parents I never really question it but every time I have to leave the house I am always escorted by someone. Papa just said it was precautions in case something bad was to happen, so I really wasn't surprise when mama said i have to have bodyguard's with me when I go to see my father.
After thinking so much about papa and if he will be alright my eyes got heavy and I slipped into blackness......that night I did cry.

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