" Long time no see baby girl "

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"Well looks like Gabriel is not coming"

"why not"

"I got a text from him saying that the burns from the coffee are pretty bad it looks like he's going to have to stay behind"

"oh well I hope he feels better"

"Yeah.. .me too"

"Is something wrong? " I ask Jaden weary of pause.

"No, just thinking, well we better start heading out to the hospital now."

I wonder if he is thinking the same thing I'm thinking.

He unlocks the car door to a simple and plain black car with tinted windows it really was just your ordinary car not flashy, or just one of your simple sports cars. I got inside the 4-door car with leather seats, the smell of cologne filled my nose I have smelled this somewhere before but I couldn't put my finger on. He turns the key and then we

to .were off down the long Gravel Road that connects my house to the other streets.

we live in a very rural part of Arizona so the local hospital that could treat my father's critical wounds is 3 hours away, as the car passed by the mountains and camping trails that I and my father would too.I thought back to when dad took me camping for the first time it was raining that day and I wanted to catch a big fish to show Mama how good of a Fisher I was. But the rain came down, even more, I remember sitting in the tent with Papa and crying telling him "that's all that I wanted to do". I remember him being so patient with me. I was lured out of my thoughts by Jaden, trying to make some awkward conversation with me which I really wasn't in the mood for.

"So miss Ortiz how long have you lived here"

" I told you that you can just call me by my first name"

"I'm sorry miss. . . Almost forgot again but have you lived here all your life"

"No I guess not my mother and father met in the Dominican Republic, and then fell in love and end up having me in Jamaica my mother's Homeland"

" that's nice, " Jay said

" how far along are we away" I tried to distract him with any other questions besides the ones of how my mother and father really met

"well from the GPS we should be there in 2 hours from now."

" Okay good " I could tell he was going to try to say something but I put my headphones in before it was too late, in the back of my mind I feel like I should be nicer to him but there's just too much stuff in the way right now, to think of his feelings. But why should I be worried about his feelings, after all, I'm just his next paycheck, right?

When I wake up we are in a dimly lit parking lot, " so this is it" I ask him in a still not fully awake voice. " yes this is it, wait let me get your door" "Nah I'm fine" he had a puzzled look on his face like I wasn't speaking English to him, would he prefer If I spoke Spanish?

" are you sure madame " wait what did he just say to me, okay chill out maybe he didn't mean to say it.

" no, I'm, fine thank you " as we find our way to hospital information desk I could feel the tightness in my chest as I got closer. " Hi how may I help you young lady " will at least she thinks I'm young looking.  

" umm yes ma'am I wanted to see my father, my mother called awhile ago to put me on the visiting list." " Okay last name, please? " " Ortiz" " there's a lot of Ortiz's on here what's your fist name ?". " It's As-" before I could even say the rest of my name I am hugged behind by someone, " long time no see baby-girl" I turn around to see a very welled aged man maybe in his mid 40's that looked almost like my father.

 In the meantime of me thinking where the HELL!!! was my bodyguard? " I'm sorry sir but I don't know you", "I told you, baby, she won't remember you, she was so small when we first meet " I hear from a pretty Asian lady with pale blonde hair, who is she I barely get out the house but this was something new.  

" I guess I should let go right?" " right," I say he looked sad as he pulled away from me " I'm your uncle Aster. . . don't you remember me"? " Baby like I- " he put a finger up to her lip and started to sing "A la nanita nana nanita Ella, nanita Ella

Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea

A la nanita nana nanita Ella, nanita Ella

Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita Que corre clara y Sonora

Ruiseñor Que en la selva

Cantando y llora

Calla Mientras lacuna se balancea

A la nanita nana nanita e.." "BABY. . . that's it" his girlfriend said.

"Do you remember me now baby girl?" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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