Chapter Two

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A/N: I really don't like this chapter, and it took me about forty minutes to write so it's quite rushed. I guess this is sort of like a filler chapter, sorry.  

Also the linebreaks have gone all funny because I'm on my phone, so ill sort those out tomorrow. 


"Hey," I smiled slightly as I finally found our cabin again.  

"Hi!" Phil replied, dragging the 'I' out a bit. I found it quite cute. 

"How are you?" I shrugged, not knowing what to say. 

He giggled slightly, "I'm fine, you?"  

"M'good." I answered, followed by a long silence.  

"So where did you go?" Phil asked, breaking the awkwardness, for which I was thankful.  

"Oh, just into the forest place." I said, gesturing towards it.  

Phil nodded, sitting down next to me.  

"Do you have any friends here?" I asked him.  

He paused, "Not really." I turned to him, 

"Why not?"  

"People don't usually like me, I guess." He laughed.  

"I can relate." I nodded. 

"But you seem really nice. Inside, and out." Phil smiled. I blushed, turning away from him slightly.

After lunch, the camp leaders led us all up to one of the mountains about a mile away. Phil and I were allowed to carry on ahead, whilst the younger campers were assigned into groups with a leader each. We are the oldest in the camp, the other kids range from ages eight to fourteen and Phil and I are both seventeen. Luckily, we didn't have a group of kids to watch over. We hiked up the mountain together, talking about our interests.  

"Do you have any friends back at home. Girlfriend?" I asked him, my legs starting to ache slightly from the walking. 

"I have a couple of friends," Phil shrugged. "Not a girlfriend though. I've never had a girlfriend." He laughed.  

I raised an eyebrow, "Never?"  

He shook his head, "Not unless Primary School ones count." He paused for a second, "I'm gay."

I needed some rest after the long trek, so Phil and I ate dinner in our cabin rather than joining the others in the little hall.  

"Tell me something about yourself," Phil said, swirling his fork around the baked beans on his plate. 

"My name is Dan." I answered. 

Phil looked at me. 

I laughed, "I like listening to music and reading. I don't like going outside or socialising."  

He smiled, "What music or books do you like?"  

"I like most types of music, really. Muse is my favourite band. I mainly read young adult books." I replied before taking a mouthful of chicken from my fork.  

"I like Muse too. I wouldn't say they're my favourite, though. I like to read comics mainly, I get too distracted by other things whilst reading books." Phil explained.  

"We're alike in some aspects, then." I grinned. "You finished?" I gestured at his plate. He nodded and I stacked my plate underneath, putting the cutlery on top of Phil's plate. "Want me to take them over to the hall?"  

"I'll do it." Phil smiled, picking up the plates. I opened the cabin door for him, "Thanks." He said. 

"Thanks, also." I said.

I couldn't sleep that night, a million thoughts surrounded my head and my bed wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours before giving up completely, I looked over at Phil to see he was already asleep. I sighed and retrieved my phone from the drawer next to my bed, logging into Twitter. Of course people were online even though it was 3AM, we're all insomniac zombies. I started tweeting people on my timeline to start a few conversations, hoping to kill my boredom or even make me tired. I put my phone away just as I felt my eyelids growing heavy, and soon enough I too drifted off into unconsciousness.

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