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          Calling a cab was the hardest thing to do with Tya being  completely waisted next to me. She kept trying to grab my dick and seduce me. She almost ran off with another guy since I told her that I didn't want to have sex, so I had to lie to her and tell her that we will have sex when we got home, and that made her stay. Mad is an understatement of how I felt towards Tya right now. We were now in the cab heading home and I was fucking livid with her. This is what she do now . She goes to parties,  dance around with an attire that's way to reviling and then have the audacity to sell herself to people. And when did she even start drinking? God, when we get home she better sober the fuck up because I want answers.

         "Sir we are here." The cab driver spoke. Nodding, I grab my wallet from my back pocket and pulled out a 20.

         "Thanks man." I said before grabbing Tya's wrist as I step out the cab while she followed close behind.

         I held her wrist tightly as we made our way up the  stairs to her apartment. She didn't say a word as I opened the door with my keys for her home.  When we entered , I threw the keys on the kitchen counter and locked the door. When I turned around from locking it, she laid with her back against the  couch with her eyes close.  Signing, I decided to grab her sleepy figure and lay her on her bed. Stripping her from her clothes as she slept was a challenge because the dress was way too tight. Why do women wear shit like this? It's too fucking tight.  I took off her bra because I know she hates sleeping with them. Trying not to get  aroused on how beautiful she looked right now, I quickly grabbed the white t-shirt and pulled it gently over her head. After she was fully clothed, I tucked her in her bed and kissed her softly on her forehead.

        I decided that I should probably shower, so I did. Spending  25 minutes in the shower did me the honors. I came out with a towel wrapped tightly around my waist as I was in search for a white t-shirt and one of my boxers that Tya always kept. Finding a pear of boxers and a t-shirt, I put them on. I sat on the couch and scrolled through Tya's Instagram to see who she acuminate her self with. Maybe they influence the way she acts . Her pictures did changed from her reading her favorite books to her in tight fitted dresses and pictures of girls that she looked close with that I never seen before . I pressed on one of the girls Instagram and she looked like she partied everyday. She had pictures with her dancing on a man and of her smoking weed. I scrolled more down and gasped when I pressed on a video of Tya making out with one  of her other friends and then hitting a blunt right after.  I locked my phone and looked up to Tya sleeping figure. She looked so innocent right now.

What's gotten into her? I couldn't possibly stop questioning her behavior because it all didn't make any sense.


I woke up with an ache in my neck after the
realizing that I had fallen asleep on the couch . I massaged the side of my neck as I stood up. Tya was still sound asleep so I decided to cook up some breakfast for her.

Half an hour later, I had finished with a well made egg and bacon with toasted bread that was accompanied with orange juice, and an Advil for the massive hangover she'll have once she wakes up. Entering the room with the tray of food, Tya was now fully awake, but yet looked confused as she looked around her surroundings. I watched her pull at the T-shirt that she had on with an confused expression on her face and then she rubbed the side of her head. I laid the tray on her desk and she looks up at me in the most utter confusion. Grabbing the orange juice, I held it out for her with the Advil in my other hand.

"Here," I said. She looked at me for while until she grabbed the side of her head again from the headache she must be having. She took the glass from me and the Advil and gulped it all at once. "I made you breakfast, your uh favorite." Stepping back, I sat on the couch and I just watched her.

She grabbed the tray and then ate very slowly as she glanced at me every few seconds. I didn't take my eyes off of her and that probably made her feel uncomfortable, but I didn't care. She knew she was beautiful so they was no need to feel insecure. Maybe if i stare at her, I'll figure out why she changed.

"Stop staring it's creeping me the fuck out," she hinted as she shoved another piece of bacon in her mouth. I didn't stop, I just kept looking. I wanted answers even though I knew staring her down won't give me any, but it's not a crime to stare. "Seriously justin, what's your problem?" She shoved the tray out off her way and burned her orbs into mines.

"Problem? There's no problem at all. Are you done?" I asked as I stood up to grab the tray. She didn't say a word but watched me, unamused with her arms crossed. She was mad but you know what, let her be. I should be the one mad at her for the fuckery I found out last night. I grabbed the tray and put it into the dish washer. I went back to the room and she still looked mad as fuck which I couldn't  care less about. I sat back on couch again and just stared at her with my arms crossed.

"Care to explain why you're here? And why did you fucking change me without asking me first?" She scolded as she narrows her eyes. Is she fucking serious right now?

"Care to explain why you were at the club with a fucking dress that showcase half of your fucking ass? Care to explain why the fuck were you drunk off your ass? Care to explain why the fuck you are going around selling your self for money? See baby girl I have questions too and I want them answered right fucking now. And don't give me that bullshit you were fucking gone by the time we got home, so who the fuck else was going to change you. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. "We were now faced to faced and by the way that we looked at each other. The tension went from 0 to 100,  real quick.

"I-I stopped doing that a long time now. I was drunk that's why I was saying those things. I don't do that
a-anymore." She stuttered as her face softened.

"Why the fuck did you even start doing that Tya? That's not you. Why didn't you call me ? Why Tya?" At this point was I yelling because I didn't understand. I called her, I wanted to know if she was okay and she never returned my calls.

"Justin calm down y-

"How the fuck am suppose to calm down Tya? I was one call away. You could've called me instead of doing something so reckless. Tell me Tya, tell me did you do this to forget. Did you do this because of the meltdowns?" Holding her face in the palm of my hands I stare at the beautiful girl in front of me. I know the girl I once knew is still here. She's still here, it's just half of her that's dead.

"I-I no I don't know Justin. You left me. Is that hard to explain?" She softly said. And suddenly I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss all her pain away but I had restrain myself, I want answers.

"Tell me. Tell me Tya, tell me the truth." I demanded with my thumb stroking her cheek.

"I-I was kidnapped...


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