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What did she mean by that ? I didn't quite understand. She got kidnapped. How? How did she possibly get kidnapped?

"Your not fucking lying to me are you? Because Tya this isn't a time for fucking games." What was she saying? Was she saying that whoever kidnapped her made her into this girl in front of me.

"You think I'm fucking lying to you,  you dumb dick. Why would  I fucking lie about something like this? You know what I don't have to explain myself. Get the fuck out." She furiously said as she crossed her arms over her chest. I knew she was telling the truth, I just didn't want to believe it.

"Who did it ? Tell me who did this to you?" I asked her as sat on the corner of her bed. Her eyes never left the floor, she didn't once greet me face to face . Her  long curls surrounded her perfectly shaped face and her eyes were puffy from the lack of sleep.

"What makes you think someone did this to me ? What makes you think I didn't do this to myself ?" She softly spoke as I watch her face soften and her eyes land on me. I left my self go closer to her. I took hold of her crossed arms and took her small hand in mine.

"You wouldn't dare do something like that to yourself? Your not that type of person. I know you Tya. I know you act like a tough cookie but deep down that beautiful heart of yours can be shattered easily." I kissed the palm of her hand with my eyes glued to her green ones. She had gotten lost in my eyes and I loved watching her do it. It made me believe that deep down her heart pumps for me just like mine does in a way that we wouldn't dare tell each other how we truly felt.

"You see Justin your wrong. You don't know who I am. I made that bed now I have to lay in it. I met these girls and they showed me a way out of my misery but what I didn't know is that my nightmare would only become bigger."

"What do you mean?" I was confused. Did she mean to tell me that she did it to her self?

"You wouldn't understand. I was hurting so I thought if I got out there than I'll forget. These girls showed me a way so I took the way out, but the crazy part is I didn't find the path to get out yet and I don't think I ever will. "

"What way out Tya tell me ?"

"I became a dancer or you can call it a stripper. I was private dancer for two weeks after you left. I wouldn't dare had sex with them because that's not who I am. I just danced for them. The girls had given me something to help me take the edge off. It was uh cocaine. It wasn't temporary I only came to dance twice a week until a lot of man constantly booked me because they liked the way I danced. It was going okay until this guy constantly kept coming but he wouldn't ask me to dance for him, he would just sit me on his lap and talk to me about stuff. " She stopped all of sudden and looked up at me to see my expression.  I was dumbfounded but I wanted her to continue because it was the first time in a while that she talked to me with so much sincerity.

"H-he was nice to me at first and I kinda liked him a little bit because he reminded me of uh you. I even kissed him once but I still refused to have sex with him which made him leave in anger.  He didn't come back after that day for 3 weeks.  The day of your birthday I decided not to come in. I wanted to stop by the lake and sit like we used to do back in the days. So I did just that. For an hour I sat watching the sunset wishing you there next to me. When I  decided to leave, it was already midnight. I walked and walked until I heard footsteps behind me. I thought it was just my imagination until a guy came up from behind me and everything blacked out."

She wiped under her eyes and then stood up.

"I did this to myself." She whispered.

"Come here." I held her hips as spin her around to look at me. I moved her hair away from her face. Soothing my hand across her skin as I watch her take a hold of my shirt. She soooo fucking beautiful. I brush my lips lightly against hers watching her eyes close for me. I pressed my lips against hers and I took demeanor, knowing that I was responsible for her being weak under my touch.

We stood like that with my hand under her shirt, tugging at her nipples while we kissed viciously. It was getting heated between us as the seconds passed by and I knew she wanted me as bad as I wanted her.

She took me by surprise when she pushed back me against the bed. Her eyes were dark but God it was sexy. She pulled the white t-shirt of her self as I watched her breast bounce as she settle herself on my waist. She quickly latched her lips back against proposing a fight. Her hand was suddenly in my boxers as she caressed me like a professional. She had me groaning, moaning like I never was before. She was two timing me and I was about ready to fucking explode. I rubbed my hands on my face when she caressed my balls in such kindness.

Jesus. I was a about any second from spilling my seed all over her hand when she stopped. She took her panties off quickly and went to capturing my lips once again.

"Touch me." Was all she whispered before she sucked and nipped on my neck. I took no time to slid my hands into her hot, pulsing folds. I just couldn't believe that this was mine. Not quite mine but she will be. Slowly sliding my my middle finger in her hot fold, she gasped as she guided herself further into my hand. Fuck she was tight.

Her hand gripped ahold of my now erect member, preparing me for her. Taking my hand out to suck on her sweet juice. She watched me intently, then sat on me as she throw her head back when I entered her.

It was now our routine. We would argue and then we would make love. It was we confusing. Making love to her was the only way I can get her to be calm. The only way I can feel so close to her for once.


"When I woke up I was in a room. It was a beautiful room like one of the those rich people's bedrooms. I was laying in red satin sheets. I was scared so scared so my anxiety got a hold on me and  I blocked out again. When I woke up once again it was him. The guy but he looked different. He didn't have soft expression on his face anymore he looked wicked almost evil. " she spoke as she rubbed circles around my cross tattoo. After we had sex about 3 times we finally settle down and I was now listening to what happened to her.

"I don't want to say the rest because you might think less of me." She shifted against me. Her eyes met mines and it showed fear, insecurities.

"Baby no. I won't. The pass is the pass. Yea I might be a little mad that someone got a hold of what's mine but I won't hold you accountable for it. " I spoke before I planted a kiss on her forehead and held her naked body more tightly against me.

"He ugh raped me but it was only once," I shifted awkwardly but kept my tight hold on her. I wanted to hurt the fucking asshole that did this to her. If I get ahold of who is, I'm going fucking ballistic.

"Baby girl, tell me what was his name?" She took a moment to respond.

"They called him Jason, Jason McCann."

I jumped in one swift motion, trying to find some clothes to put on. I'm going to find that fucking bastard. Fucking bitch just messed with my girl. How dare he?

"Justin where the fuck are you going?" She stood up with the sheet covering her body.

"I'm going to find the bastard that did this to you." I told her as I tugged on my shirt.

"How? You don't fucking know him." She yelled,  trying to knock some sense into me.

"Yes I do. He's my stepbrother."







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