hoping for death!

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"i love you" was all  he whispered to me as a single tear rolled down my cheek and i waited for death.

6 months earlier


" DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" i shouted to my foster father as he slowly made his way towards my cowering little sister, her rosy cheeks faded to a pure white, her brown ringlets dancing with her trembles and her ocean blue eyes filling with tears.

my foster father was always drunk and abusive, the only reson i stay here is for zara, my little sister. i am not old enough to move out and look after her yet, but in two weeks i will be. i've saved up enough money for us to go afiew months in a motel whilst i look for a job.

he stopped and turned to me with a pouting face saying "aww, is little janie gonna save her sister form big o' meanie daddy, eh? aww how cute...too bad in this story..."- he paused and his face turned into a sinister grin, his voice back to the husky evil tone i knew all too well_" the hero dosnt win!" and with this he lunged at me, pinning me to the floor and repeatedly punching me. he caught me packing our  stuff, ready to run if things got worse...like this.

i heard little feet running towards me and i knew that zara would try and help, she has done it before...she was admitted to a hospital and had to under-go majour surgery for intrnal bleeding...she's only four.

"run zara! run!" i souted but i heard a little thud and i saw she tried to kick him but it didnt hurt him. he turned around and grabbed her hair in his fists, lifting her up, she screamed and cried. i took my chance and kicked him in his 'area' and ran to the kithen and grabbed a knife. storming in i wanted to scream, jhon had never looked this angry before and it scared the living daylights out of me to be honest.

"you little bitch! i take care of you! feed you! put a roof over your skanky head n you repay me like this?!?! oh. your introuble!" then i saw him taken aback, i guess he saw thw glistening meat knife in my vigerously shaking hand, chuckeling darkly he asked in a low voice "what are you going to do with that , eh? stab me? go-on, i dare you!" he mocked

"dont dare me old man" i tried to sound brave but my voice faltered.

"you stab me or i put you back in foster care...well her at least, you wont be able to" he pointed to zara and i knew he ment he'd kill me.

i ran towards him and i stabbed him, i could tell he was shocked as he didnt even move as i went towards him, i only got him in his sholder though and he screamed" YOU LITTLE BITCH! IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND THAT LITTLE MISTAKE OF A SISTER!" fury boiled over inside of me, he can call me what he wanted but he couldnt say anything abou zara!

i slowly walked towards him, pointing my kife at him and in a low tone that was full of hatred and anger, i seethed "now you listen closley, yu'r gonna give me all the money in your wallet and your car keys, your gonna let me and zara go and most of all your not gonna tell anyone whats happeed or come looking for us"

"HA! now why would i do that?!" he mocked, looking at me asif i was stupid.

"because if you do...dad...im going to call the police and tell them evreything you did to me and zara!"

his eyes went wide as he thought about his options, he set his jaw and looked at me like he was going to kill me , finaly he grumbled "fine! but if i see you again, i swear to god i will kill you!" he shouted and with that i ran and got the keys, his money , our stuff and zara and left...now where do we go?

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