chapter 2

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"are we nearly there yet?" zara whined, i just nodded. i couldnt speak for fear of crying and i couldt look at her tear-stained and brused face for fear i would go back to my 'fathers' and finesh what i started.

i decided we should go to my freind, charlotte's house. i thnk...well hope...she would take us in. her and her mother knew what happened to us, her because i needed to talk to someone about it and her mum as i came round to hers all battered and brused after his football team lost and she asked me what happened , i deciced it was best to tell her for if somthing like this happened.

we walked down the main road, getting funny looks fromm passers by, both pedestriand and people in cars...we didnt care though, stares were nothing compared to what we had been through. as we neared charlottes big house , zara squieled, instantly recognising it ." we going to lotties?" she jumped up and down.

"hopfully" i sighed as i unlatched the gate.

walking up the path and knocking at the door, i waited for an awnser.

"hel-"hellen, charlottes mum, paused, her mouth dropped as she saw us, battered, brused and bleeding with our bags in our hands "oh my god! what happened?!" she asked hugging me ahs picking up zara , balencing her on her hip.

"he came home drunk...again, do you mind if we stay here for a little while? i will explain in a bit, i just dont want her hearing the whole story" i said, nodding towards zara who was plating with the kneacless around helens kneack.

"sure, second...CHARLOTTE!" she shouted, her head looked uptairs.

"yeah" i heard char reply

"janes here...with zara-" before she could finish i heard, then saw her running down the stairs and nearly falling down them. she paused when she dot infront of me, her face the perfect image of sorrow.with that i felt tears start to well up in my eyes and i hugged her and just sobbed. i heard helen go get char's little brother, william, to play with zara, they were the same age and were best freinds. i carried on sobbing until i heared helen come out again"the kids are watching tv...what happened?"she asked,realy concerned.

"well, he tried to...well...rape me, but luckily zara walked in preatty early but he got angry at her for 'disturbing him' he went to hit her but i told him he better not dare so he said i was trying to be a hero, but in his world heros dont win and he tackled me and started punghing me, kicking me and stuff, after a fiew minutes zara came over and tried to kick didnt have the desired effect. he just stood up, and pulled her off the ground with her all happend so fast after that ans the next thing i knew i was holding  meat knife towards him and he was saying either i stab him or he kills me and sends zara to another foster home, obviosly thinking i wouldnt stab him...i did, only in the shoulder but i got him to give me his car keys, money and let us go and never mention a word of this to anyne or come looking for us, and if he did...we would go to the police" i told them...they just sat there, mouths agape.

after about five minutes, realisation crossed char's face and she asked"janie...your 15, you cant drive...why did you ask for his car keys?" she smirked, lightening the mood

"it just kind of felt right i guess" we all laughed and then had dinner and went to bed...but it dawned on me as i started to sleep...i live only a street away from my foster father, and he said if he ever see's me again, he'll kill me...i need to leve, fast

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