chapter 4!

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the flight was quick considering i slept most of the time, i guess the crying took it out of me. i just picked up zara and balenced her on my hip as i walked off the plane with our bags slung over my sholder . once we got to the luggage colection i got a trolly for the suitcases and put zara in the seat, still asleep. we got our bags and made our way to the exit, looking around i noticed a sighn saying 'gaw' so i walked over when i saw the face of the person hoding the sighn i gasped...he was my age and possibly the most handsom boy i'd ever seen...he was tall, lean and slightly muscular with black hair that was messily styled to cover one eye, which were a bright blue...the bost astoneshing thing though was his pale skin....he made paper look tanned!

he smirked and looked up as i walked over "errm, janie and this is my sister zara....errm, were the gaw's" i mumbled, emabrresment coursed through my veins, making my cheeks heat up.

"yeah, i guessed...come on, you want me to take that?" he smailed a breath taking smile.

it took mea while to come back to reality, when i looked at him again he has an amused smirk on his lips "dont fall for me just yet" he winked and took the trolly, i ghasped as his cold hand grazed mine, it was like touching ice! he just chuckled and starting walking towards the exit. when we reached it he let us in a pick-up truck, being carful not to wake zara. sat in the front seat next to him, still awastruck at his beauty...wait...what am i doing?!?! this wasnt me! im not the kind of girl to oggle random guys! let-alone random guys i just met!

"are you gonna keep frowning to yoursalf or do you want to talk? it's gonna be a long ride" he smirked, eyes still on the per usual...i blushed.

"i-errm-yeah, sure...whats your name?" i asked nervously.

"ashton" he stated

"ok, old are you?"

"17, you?"


"huh, whats your sister called?"


"how old is she?"


it went on like that for a while, until we got there in fact ... i found out that he has a little sister who was my age...he has always liked in gaspe,qubec and he lives with my grand pearents as his pearents had daie but they were freinds of the family.

once we got to the house, i was beautiful. it was the classic country old new home. i sighed and walked into my new life.

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