Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Luciana's POV*

I walk into the ring my head held high, my pony tail swinging behind me. I look like a tall pretty girl who couldn't hurt a fly trust me numerous people have said that to me there always died wrong. The guy in the ring was a couple heads taller then me, he looked smug thinking he could beat me I snorted quietly to myself.

The announcer yelled,"let this fight begin I don't want any foul play you hear, fire?"

I nod my head my fight names fire 'cause my full names Luciana 'Luc' Delilah Martinez, Luc my nickname in Spanish means light, and light has to do with fire so when I street fight people call me fire. The guy on the other end is smirking.

The guy throws a punch I duck low my hand hits the concrete floor I swing my leg and pull his legs out from under him he goes crashing down. I stand up and get back into my fighting stance he gets up and starts to through wild punches I avoid them all, I get inside one of the punches. I punch twice in the face, then i high kick him in the jaw and he's down for the count.

I'm pronounced the winner I put my hands above my and scream," Yeah!"

I walk down and out of the ring I go up to the guy who holds the winners money.

"My money, now please." I say just to be nice.

He hands me my money and I walk away, putting it in the pocket of my jeans I walk over to my bike which I rebuilt myself with my dad when I was younger. I got on and drive away down the streets of downtown Miami.

I pull up to my apartment with a beach view, I park my bike. I walk through the front doors, go up the elevator to my room. Unlocking it I go inside put my keys down. I hear someone siting on my bed, so I act like I didn't hear them I take off my black leather jacket I pull out of the side pocket my IMI Desert Eagle I tuck in my hand under the jacket to hide it.

I walk in like every thing was normal, then I make a sharp turn and pull out my gun I point it at the guy.

"Who are you?And what do you want?"

This guy is hot and I mean H-O-T! in all caps. He looks around my age, has scene black hair sweet blue eyes a good tan but that's no surprise I live in Miami. He had well defined and toned muscles, he was wearing a white shirt that made him look buff, baggy jeans and a pair off jordans, He had an earring in his left ear, Sweet soft looking lips. All in all he doesn't look like one of does people that try to do things to girls who live alone, almost.

He looks me up and down saying,"Are you fire the street fighter?"

"What's it to ya?"

"I'll take that as a yes, the names Daniel but call me Dan, I'm an assassin. I need your help. Your next opponent is a dangerous killer my organization needs him dead. So to do that I need your help. So what do you say?"

I stare at him. " Your not going to shot me?"


I put my gun in my jeans, "Try anything and you'll be dead on the floor k?"

Laughing, he nods. I like his laugh it's sweet.

"So what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to introduce me to the street fighters the night your up against him. Ok?"

"Fine but if the cops bust us run like hell I'll show you around tomorrow night don't wear anything flashy. And meet me at this address, give me your arm."

Pulling out a pen, he gives me his arm and write down the address of an ice cream place two blocks away from were I street fight and the time 9:00 pm.

"So its a date."

I laugh,"You'll have to try a lot harder to get a date with me Danny."

He raises an eyebrow,"Danny really?"

"Yeah now get out."

Getting up he goes over to my door and walks out,"see you tomorrow night Fire."

Closing the door and locking it I take a shower. I put on my pj's which happen to be a pair of shorts and a tube top. Walking over to my bed I flop on and snuggle under the covers and fall asleep.

*Daniel's POV*

When my boss asked me to go to his office I was a little nervous, but then I thought must be a new assignment. I walked through the door to his office, he's sitting at his desk. The old man with brown hair and mixed in white hairs reviewing a case file.

"So what's the new assignment boss?"

"You will be assassinating a dangerous killer who is also a street fighter he is up against this street fighter-" he says handing me two files"- named Fire her real name is Luciana 'Luc' Delilah Martinez hear is her address. You don't need her help but I would recommend it. The person that you need to kill is Christopher Alberto Pumpa or the fighter that's his street fighting name. Ok?"

"Fine by me boss."

Getting up I make my way over to the door and walk out. Shifting through this Luciana's file I see her picture she's very pretty. I look for her address, I'm gonna pay her a visit.

*an hour later*

I'm in a girls room a very untidy girl her clothes are on the floor, well more like pants and some tops. Just then I hear a door close must be Fire, I hear her keys jingle as she sets them down. She walking to her bedroom, not noticing me. Suddenly she turns and pulls out a gun, an IMI Desert Eagle.

"Who are you?And what do you want?" Her voice is a nice pitch it's not very high.

I'm looking at her now, she's beautiful forget pretty. Her highlighted hair of different colors and peircings on bottom lip, and half a dozen on each ear. Her body was shaped like an hour glass, she was tall her skinny black jeans hugged her body her purple v-neck clung lightly to her curves. She had beautiful brown eyes that were looking at me waiting for an answer.

"Are you fire the street fighter?"

"What's it to ya?," she says looking a little worried so I explain the situation.

"I'll take that as a yes, the names Daniel but call me Dan, I'm an assassin. I need your help. Your next opponent is a dangerous killer my organization needs him dead. So to do that I need your help. So what do you say?"

She looks at me,"Your not going to shot me?" she questions.


She puts her gun a way in her jeans saying,"Try anything and you'll be dead on the floor k?"

I laugh I'm an assassin this girl can't kill me.

"So what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to introduce me to the street fighters the night your up against him. Ok?"

"Fine but if the cops bust us run like hell I'll show you around tomorrow night don't wear anything flashy. And meet me at this address, give me your arm."

Holding out my arm she writes down an address and a time she's taking me their before her fight. I can't resist I have to make a date with her,"So its a date."

She laughs, her laughs cute and sweet,"You'll have to try a lot harder to get a date with me Danny."

I raise an eyebrow,"Danny really?"

"Yeah now get out."

I get up walking out I say,"see you tomorrow night Fire."

She closes the door behind me. I walk over to my car, that girl is going to be fun asset plus I might get to have some fun with her.

The street fighter and the assassinWhere stories live. Discover now