Chapter 32

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"Hey, Trent!" I called as I stepped outside of my room.

He appeared from his room, leaning against his doorway, "What's up?"

"Which one would be better for my date with Emily? This," I held up a blue button-down shirt, "or this?" I held up a black button-down shirt.

"Does it really matter?"

I frowned, "Dude, yes. It's my date with Emily, of course it matters!"

"Well," he thought for a moment, "what are you going to do for your date?"

"Something fun," I answered vaguely.

"Ah, okay. Have fun, I guess," he nodded at me and with that, he turned to go back into his room.

"Wait! You didn't even answer the question!" I told him.

Trent turned back around to scrutinize both shirts in my hands. "The black one," he stated, narrowing his eyes in concentration, "No- wait, yeah, the black one."

I nodded. "Thanks. Now, have you seen Lila?"


"I'm right here!" Lila's head popped up from the stairs, her chin resting on the stair rail. "What did you need me for?"

"Blue or black?" I asked her, putting each shirt in front of my chest.

"Mm..." she cocked her head to the side, "black."

"Alright, thanks," I messed up her hair as I passed her to go to my room.

"Wait, Lucas!"

I turned back to look at her, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah- what?"

"What are you going to do for your date?" Lila asked, bouncing excitedly in place. "Are you going to another picnic because that's basically all you do and, well, it starts to get boring after a while."

"No, Lila, we're not going on another picnic."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Are you sure?"

Trent snickered, watching our exchange in amusement.

I sighed, "Yes, Lila, I'm sure."

"So what are you planning to do, then?" She went back to excitedly bouncing in place.

"I-" My phone dinged from my pocket, signalling that I had ten more minutes before I had to get Emily from her room. "I'm going to take her out to ride a hot air balloon," I told her, grinning.

Lila gasped, "Seriously?"

I nodded, suddenly feeling nervous about my plan for today. "Is it not a good idea?"

"That's so romantic!" She squealed, clapping her hands.

"So is that all you're gonna do on your date?" Trent asked. "Are you guys going to it on the hot air balloon because that would be, like, a picnic."

"No, if we get hungry while riding it, I'll just land on the roof of someone's house, climb down and ask them to make us food," I said sarcastically.

Trent shook his head, "I was just asking." Turning to Lila, he told her, "Remind me to never ask Lucas for help with dates when I find my mate."

Lila nodded, "Got it, but every time you come to ask for my help, I'll charge you five dollars."

"Who says I'll go to you?" He asked incredulously.

"Well, who else will you go it?"

"I could go to my friends," Trent thought for a minute before adding, "or Mom."

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