Finding Bonnie...

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Finding Bonnie

Arriving back in Mystic Falls the trio headed for a woodland area that Caroline knew might be a place Bonnie would go to feel safe.

"How long do you think we will have? Once we find Bonnie I mean" inquired Stefan.. "Long enough, we'll have long enough" said Melissa, seemingly no doubt in her mind now.

"This seems like a bad plan" Stefan said to himself.

Caroline turned to Melissa and asked "Can you tell us what happened between you and Silas? What did he take from you? Or should I ask...who did he take from you?"

Melissa smiled at Caroline's perceptiveness and said "Right now I can't,'s too much Caroline, the power of emotion is so strong and I'm afraid if I let myself become too emotional I may not be able to control myself. For a Chanul being out of control is unacceptable, I must stay focused...and with that in mind I am going to break the link we share now, your feelings for Stefan are overwhelming me and it will be safer for us all this way".

"Ok, do I need..." that's as far as Caroline got with her words before she let out a shudder and a gasp. The link was broken. Caroline and Melissa looked at each other, Caroline seemed to be checking whether she could still sense Melissa and for a few intense seconds Stefan wasn't even sure what was going on. "It's weird isn't it? When the link is broken, said Melissa " Most of the time you're not even aware it's there, but when it's gone it's a profound loss...well, depending who you are linked with of course. I will miss you though Caroline, you were unique in many ways".

Stefan let out a louder than expected sigh of relief that the bond was gone and both girls looked at him. His eyes awkwardly shifted from one to the other, his mouth slightly open as if desperately trying to find the right thing to say. His phone rang and interrupted the moment; much to Stefan's relief (again), he quickly answered it before anyone could say anything.

"Hello?" "Hey brother, where ya been"? "Damon! Thank god it's you...a lot's happened, Bonnie's in trouble, Caroline's in trouble too...we're with a Chanul and Silas"..."Whoa, Stefan...what the hell? Interrupted Damon, A Chanul? Those things aren't real...have you been on the blood again?"

"What? No...look, we're heading to the woods, we think Bonnie might be somewhere she feels more connected...and safe, do you know where I mean? Meet us there but don't tell anyone anything and I'll explain when I see you."

Damon looked at his phone as though it might hold more answers for him and said out loud, to the phone..."don't tell anyone anything? What am I gonna say, that you're crazy?...and Bonnies always in trouble. But despite the fact that he didn't have any kind of an explanation Damon faithfully headed out to meet his brother and to help protect his 'family'.

When Stefan looked up from his phone call he noticed very quickly that Melissa was staring at him, no, more like glaring at him. "What?" said Stefan indignantly... "I thought I said we would need Damon later, not now". "I need him now. You don't get to decide that".

With Melissa obviously a little annoyed, the three of them headed deeper in to the woods on foot.

Stefan went ahead of the girls to make better time and to check if Bonnie was even there. Caroline stayed alert and she and Melissa proceeded in silence.

Stefan arrived at the spot in the woods where Bonnie's family bond was strongest, a place she could establish a link with her ancestors and draw strength from their power, even though their physical presence had long since left this world.

He walked around for a few minutes, so desperately wanting to call out her name but not knowing who or what else might be there, he dare not. He had almost reached the point of deciding that she wasn't there when she appeared from, what seemed like nowhere. Bonnie quickly beckoned for him to come close and taking his hand she pulled him in to a place that was very different, quieter and still. She scratched him and drew blood, he pulled his hand away, looking a little worried and surprised at the same time. "Ow, what are you doing?" Stefan whispered angrily.

"You needn't whisper here Stefan, and I had to be sure it was really you. He can't find me here and he is definitely looking...when I stepped out to bring you in it was deafening...his voice, calling to me. I thought you were him at first because I know who it is now."

"Silas" said Stefan in an informed way. "Yes, he's back and he found a way in to my head, he's looking for Care, she's not with you is she? I still don't know how to get him out and we can't all stay here."

"Calm down Bonnie, Caroline is on her way and she is bringing a friend, someone who can help you and then all of us."

"Stefan, the only thing that would have a chance against Silas is a Chanul and there are no longer any in the world, so unless you found a way to time travel or know of something else that I don't, then"...she stopped talking at this point and looked at Stefan's face, reading every micro expression, her eyes widened a little and she became very still, then an edge of excitement and wonder etched itself on her face as she uttered, "You have a Chanul don't you?" she waited for a response, but before Stefan could give one she continued "how?, where?" she looked from side to side in disbelief and started pacing back and forth. "Oh Stefan", she said with trepidation, "we could all be in a lot more trouble that n I thought".

Caroline and Melissa arrived at the sight some time later, the fact that Stefan hadn't returned told them he had found Bonnie or needed help, either way they had to continue to the meeting point.

As soon as they arrived Bonnie included them in the safety of her sanctuary. "I'm impressed" stated Melissa, not many people could have created this pocket in time and space "I think I'm going to really like you."

"You're the Chanul?" "Yes Bonnie, I am" Melissa smiled; she liked it when others had heard of her people and asked in such an impeccably straight forward way. "Should I be concerned?" "Yes, you should be, Melissa said in an affirming manner, but the better question is, are you prepared?"

"Prepared? ...For what?" "To fight, Bonnie, there's more than trouble coming this way, Damon Salvatore is heading here as well." "Come on, Stefan says in defence of his brother, Damon's not always trouble.

"Here, Bonnie, drink this" Caroline hands her the vile of green solution. "Really Caroline? What's in it? What will it do and where the hell did you get it?"

"I brought it, said Melissa, in fact I made it and if you ever want to get out of this bubble and reclaim your life you will have to trust me...and drink it.

Sensing Bonnie's apprehension Melissa looked at her, moved closer, took her hands and softly stated "I am here to help you Bonnie, You know of Chanul, I can see that in you, but you do not know all of us or the witch in you would be saying, fight with her, stand with her, and you will know power and it will be true."

Bonnie reacted in a way that suggested she had just received a wakeup call... "Ok, I'll go with it for now, but don't cross us or Chanul or not, I will find a way to bring you down."

"That's so sweet...that you think you could. I love the bond of friendship that you all share; it's rare and quite beautiful."

Bonnie drank the liquid and stepped outside, back in to the woods. Her head was clear and quiet again at last, the others also stepped out and looked around to check it was clear to continue.

"Stefan!!?" called Damon, over and over again...Melissa flashed a look of contempt at Stefan and he nervously smiled before running off at vampire speed to reach Damon and shut him up.

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