Three to go...

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Arriving back at the boarding house Damon could sense all was not as tranquil as he remembered leaving it...he looked at Melissa and Tom and then back at Stefan and Caroline..."What am I missing here? Did you all have a fight after I left? Was it about me?" He waited for a response but none was forthcoming and so he moved on...he didn't much care anyway, he gripped the hand of Elena as though fearful that to let it go would mean letting her go all over again and she didn't seem to be in a hurry to move away from him either. There was a great deal of comfort to be had from holding the hand of the one you love when you are at a loss as to what is going on around you. As Elena took stock of her surroundings and those present, Blake moved to the side and suddenly Bonnie's face came in to view, taking Elena by surprise. She didn't know what had happened back at the tomb but she had assumed Bonnie must have died if she was awake and to see her standing there, very much alive was overwhelming. For a moment it crossed her mind that she might be hallucinating, maybe it was a side effect of being asleep so long but she desperately wanted it to be true. She squeezed Damon's hand tight enough for him to notice and then realise what Elena must be thinking and so he reassuringly gripped her hand back and moved towards Bonnie. "It's ok" he whispered..."it's really her and she's fine". Elena beamed with happiness and rushed to embrace Bonnie.

Bonnie and Elena left the others for a moment to exchange stories and offer forgiveness for imagined slights inflicted on one another and then to laugh about how each of them had the same unnecessary fears that what had transpired in the past would permanently damage their friendship. They were both relieved and happy to realise that for each of them to have the other back, was a gift beyond imagining and they were both extremely grateful for it.

Damon caught Blake throwing him a smile that recognised how powerful his love for Elena was and how glad she was that he got back safely and surprised by this he reciprocated by acknowledging her affection with a smile of his own and a gentle nod of his head.

Melissa and Tom moved together towards Stefan, Caroline, Damon and Blake as Bonnie and Elena re-joined the group. Damon's eyes unexpectedly shone bright blue once again and he seemed to be listening to a distant sound as he tilted his head as though trying to adjust for poor sound quality. He was distracted and distant for a moment as Elena moved close. Melissa offered a startled warning to Elena to stop. As Elena didn't know anything about Melissa she was not inclined to listen to anything she had to say regarding Damon but she was very concerned about what was happening to him. She did not heed Melissa's warning and continued to approach at an increasing pace towards Damon. Melissa caused Elena to stop abruptly by entering her mind and taking control...her sudden shift in equilibrium was detected by Damon and he responded instantaneously by breaking that mental connection with HIS mind. Melissa was a little taken aback by the level of power and control he had exerted over her but at the same time she was a little amused by it and she felt almost proud of him...even though he had directed an attack of sorts at her he was defending those he loved...again, and this showed her a side of him that she had doubted existed and she was quietly pleased that he had come so far.

"What the hell was that?" said Elena, totally confused. "Are you alright?" inquired Damon sincerely. "I'm fine...just a little bit confused as to what is going on. Who is that?" she motioned with her head discretely towards Melissa and then became transfixed on Tom. Damon nudged her and her head moved slowly back towards Damon, her mouth slightly open in disbelief. "Damon?...What's going on!?" He took her hand in his and with his other hand he turned her head so that their eyes met and with his new found Chanul power he transferred all the information of the last few days to Elena and her eyes flashed momentarily as if in receipt of a new data file.

"Whoa... that was totally...weird. How..? Elena paused... "Never mind...what happened to you a moment ago? Your eyes..."

"I can feel Silas getting closer and he knows we're all together now...I say we just get out of here, he's not looking too good and I'd say his mood matches his looks right about now."

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