Awaken sleeping beauty...

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"Awaken... sleeping beauty"

"Blake we'll try and fill you in as much as possible, but for now you'll just have to trust us when we say that Bonnie is a friend." Explained Stefan, and turning to Melissa he asked her how she expected to find Bonnie when they couldn't really leave the house. "Blake can do it... she has no supernatural powers and so can't be tracked that way...she's a doppelganger yes, but we can alter her appearance long enough to hopefully track Bonnie down.

"W..Wh...What?? ... me? I don't even know Bonnie, Nooooo...I can't do it, there's stuff happenin here that I can't even explain and I don't even know what's really real...and why do I keep saying 'even'?" Blake looked around at everyone now looking at her and fear filled her face.

"Give her a shiny black rock Melissa" said Damon nodding his head and giving a wink that expressed sarcasm in the confidence of her plan. "'s ok, take my hand and let me explain what's happening here." Blake tentatively approached Melissa who very quickly calmed her nerves without uttering a single word. Damon looked over at her and said solemnly "The force is strong in this one" which brought a smile to Stefan's face because he knew while Damon was joking around he was holding it together about Elena.

Melissa handed Blake a black gem stone, "this will help guide you to Bonnie"

"Are you kidding me with the pebbles?"

"When you find her, put the two stones together...this will keep you safe until you return to us"

Caroline approached the two girls "So...once Bonnie is back we can move forward and get this over with?"

"Yes Caroline, I know this has been hard on all of you but it's the only way to stop Silas, otherwise he would just keep coming...until you, Stefan and Elena are dead...and now Tom and Blake are added to that list...again." With a quick scan of everyone, Melissa asked "If there are no more questions I suggest we locate Bonnie and find out if she has secured any help."

"I have a question" remarked Blake..."Is this the twilight zone?!"

"I don't know what you mean" replied Melissa

"I've got this one!" retorted Damon as he trotted excitedly over to Blake..."Yes, this is the twilight zone and you are assigned the task of going outside wearing a magical disguise, carrying a mystical marble to find someone you have never met and who is being hunted by a psychotic witch/vampire hybrid." He silently stood there, watching her expression for the realisation that she aint ever coming back... instead she slowly nodded her head and eventually said "Ohhh Kayy".

Damon raised his eyebrows and pulled a face, cocking his head slightly to one side and said "well I didn't see that coming."

Blake headed out and the others took the opportunity to chill out and relax with each other while they contemplated what was coming over the next few days.

Caroline checked on Damon to see how he was holding up and Stefan watched from across the room, drinking in every movement and gesture she made, in awe of her selflessness and filled with a love that never waned or questioned. He stole a precious moment that to anyone else would have appeared so ordinary it would have been entirely overlooked.

Melissa and Tom spent some much needed time in each other's arms and Damon remembered all the times he was with Elena, the love that grew between them and the promises they made to one her skin felt against his, the taste of her lips...the joy she brought to his life. He caught himself smiling at the thought of her and for a moment his heart was not only filled with sorrow at her absence but was allowing hope to find a place...hope that they would soon be reunited and never again parted. He went to get some more blood, he was healing well but wanted to be fully recovered for the coming fight, he couldn't risk being a liability with what was at stake and the thoughts of Elena, that he had denied himself for so long, had fuelled his desire to face any adversary and to do whatever was necessary to wake his love...his sleeping beauty.

Meanwhile...Blake headed in to town, drawn there by instinct given to her through magical means to detect that which is sought, in this case Bonnie... she nervously walked from place to place eying people as they passed, scanning them for any indication that they were not as they seemed. Her heart rate was elevated and it was becoming increasingly obvious that something was wrong with her. As her panic began to peak a soft and gentle voice in her head reminded her that she was not alone and this was enough of a comfort for her to calm down and carry on. Her heightened state of anxiety made it easy for Melissa to reach her but if she didn't find Bonnie soon the magical glimmer that hid her true face from the world would fail and she would be exposed.

Before she knew it she was on the edge of town and heading for a more industrialised area where she could see a few empty units...warehouses she thought, she also hoped she didn't have to go in any as they looked quite derelict and unsafe...and dark. There didn't seem to be anyone around and Blake was not reassured by this but alarmed... 'Where is ever body?' she thought... 'Surely there should be someone here'. Against her better judgment she proceeded and entered the building with the strongest 'pull', she tried to go as quietly as possible but felt she was being watched the entire time.

There was some heavy machinery in this place and a lot of ground to cover...she had no light source with her and so she stayed as close to the few windows as she could but frequently stumbled and made noise that she wished she hadn't. "Oh my God, if anyone is here I'm dead for sure" she found herself saying out loud ... 'Blake...let me help you' she heard in her head... "and now I've gone crazy" she said in panic. Suddenly, the strangest thing happened to Blake and she no longer needed the windows that offered little to no assistance with finding her way. Her eyes changed and she could see quite well, as though a light had been turned on to was different though, things weren't quite normal but she could navigate very well and could at least relax a little. "Thank you" she whom she wasn't quite sure.

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