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Caroline's mouth fell open as she saw Tom and Melissa reunite and she stared at them for a moment before realising what she was doing, she then quickly closed her mouth, diverted her gaze and returned to Stefan's side. Her lips turned inward and her eyes to the side as she tried to stifle a smile and Stefan still wasn't sure what was going on. Bonnie looked at Caroline and Stefan and they at her, in silence as they all continued to watch Melissa and Tom. Caroline felt the time was right to offer an interruption by clearing her throat but this did nothing in the way of getting Melissa's attention.

Stefan stated "well, Tom seems fine...more than fine actually, did you know about the two of them?"

"No...I had no idea, but it explains how she was looking at you all this time."

"But could we not know about this?"

Caroline looked at Stefan, confused..."How come Tom never told us he knew her or about the supernatural? He always acted completely surprised by everything...we thought he was an innocent."

"Loving someone, no matter who that someone is doesn't make you any less innocent Stefan, he must have loved her very much to keep quiet with what he went through."

"We need to leave." Shouted Stefan sounding almost annoyed

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Caroline, "secrets get people killed and all there's been for the past couple of days are secrets that keep building on secrets. I don't like being kept in the dark...and where's Damon, he should have been here by now." Said Stefan as he took Caroline by the elbow and guided her to the exit.

As Melissa squeezed Tom's hand and looked into his eyes she whispered in a voice so quiet, "you kept your promise."

He looked at her and smiled a sweet smile "you doubted me?" "Not your intentions..but maybe your resilience, things often change when you're up against something frightening or ...well, you know, things can change."

"I said I would never reveal you...You are the most gentle, spiritual, honest and loving person I have ever known. What you do and how you do it is beyond magical... You stole my heart and you gave me a new life and a different perspective. I love you Liss and the strength that gives me could stand against anything."

Melissa's eyes were wide with pride and joy at hearing his words and she wished they could remain in that moment for ever but she knew they had to move and so she gave Tom a nod that acknowledged everything he had just said and put herself in agreement with it. The two of them walked over to Stefan and Caroline where Stefan handed Tom some cleaner clothes of his and they all stood there. "What are we waiting for? Asked Melissa, "well some sort of explanation would be nice." says Bonnie.

Melissa looks around the group, all eyes are on her..."Oh, me and Tom know each other,"

Caroline looked directly at Tom, her head slightly tilted, a gesture he recognised as a demand for an answer. "I'm sorry Caroline, I'm sorry I couldn't say anything before...I couldn't...I couldn't risk ... her, his words fell away and Caroline didn't need any more than that. She knew very well what he meant and how he felt, it was exactly how she felt about Stefan.

"I know there's a lot you all need to know about what's going deserve to know and I couldn't have got Tom back without you. For that I will be forever in your debt and I will tell you what I can as soon as I can. Please believe that and continue to trust me for just a while longer" pleaded Melissa. "You're right Stefan, we need to leave...Silas doesn't know where we are yet but he's looking more aggressively now. Damon isn't coming here, he will meet us in Wisconsin."

"Wisconsin? Why are we heading there?" Stefan was in no mood to jump back in the car, he had already driven for almost 10 hours to get to Chicago and hadn't eaten anything...

They were all extremely tired and Melissa suddenly recognised this fact, she doesn't tire the same way as vampires or humans do and so she often overlooks how frail they can be...even in their strength. "OK, we'll find somewhere close by to rest and we'll head off in the morning. You two, referring to Caroline and Stefan, need to find some blood and Bonnie, I threw some food in the trunk for you and Tom."

Stefan moved towards Melissa, "Stefan?" Caroline called curiously, "Why isn't Damon coming here? He didn't call and say he wasn't coming...what's happened to him? What have you done?"

"Calm down Stefan...he's fine, he ran into a little trouble but he's OK".

"How could you know that? Where is he?" he said taking out his cell and beginning to call Damon.

The phone rang and after several rings Damon answered..."Hey bro...a little late but good to hear from you".

"What do you mean Damon? Are you alright? Where are you?"

"I'm OK..I'll tell you all about it when I see you, you are not gonna believe what happened, hell I don't believe it. Are you still in Chicago?"

"Until tomorrow morning, then we're heading for Wisconsin".

"Wisconsin?" ,,, "Yeah I know...I'll text you the details, can you meet us there?"

"Sure...see you there tomorrow". "Oh and Damon...bring some blood, OK bye"

Following the call he looked at Melissa in anticipation of an explanation. She calmly said "I have linked to all of you in a small just happens, it allows me to keep track of where you are and lets me know if you get in to trouble, that's it, nothing more intrusive I swear."

Stefan seemed satisfied with this answer for now and they left to find somewhere safe to rest and regroup. A small motel off the beaten track seemed like a good location and they took two adjoining rooms. Bonnie fell on to the bed exhausted while Stefan took the car to acquire some blood bags from a clinic they passed about 10 miles back. Caroline freshened up in the bathroom and Melissa and Tom took the other room.

Once they were alone they hugged each other for the longest time. Tom's arms grasped Melissa's body tightly and she buried her face into his chest. "How much do you remember of what happened Tom?"

"Not much, I remember a guy called Enzo and I remember Caroline and then nothing...last thing was me and Caroline heading for her car and then me opening my eyes to you and I was in the ground."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner...I wanted to, I really did, I tried to find a way".

"'s OK, You're here now, there was nothing you could do then, I know what are we going to do now, why are we heading for Wisconsin and most importantly...can you stay this time?

"I couldn't leave you again even if I wanted to, that spell I cast bound your fate is also mine...and vice versa, I had to Tom, it was the only way." Melissa said stealing a look into his eyes to see if she would be met with disapproval.

"Was that a proposal?" he said shyly and smiling from ear to ear..

Melissa smiled back and they met each other in a lovers embrace, their lips pressing against each other, their eyes shut and their minds filled with thoughts of a love that would dare to cross an expanse of time and space to reunite.

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