Chapter 62

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Anna's POV:

Demi and I were sitting in the car on the way home from the fertility clinic when her phone began to ring.

"Can you answer that for me baby girl?" Demi asked me.

I nodded, taking the phone and seeing that it was Bella.

"Hey!" I answered through the phone.

"Hi Anna! How are you feeling honey?" She asked.

I smiled at her tone. Although I was apprehensive about her and Demi at first, it had honestly been great having her with Demi. I mean, sometimes I missed having Nick around because he had become like a father figure to me, but Bella made Demi really happy and although she was only like five years older than me, we still were starting to seem like a little family.

"Hi Bella! I'm doing alright. Just a little sore." I answered, down playing my pain level and exhaustion.

Demi pulled her eyes off the road for a second at the mention of Bella's name.

"That's good. I've been think a lot about you guys. Is Demi able to talk?" She asked.

"She's driving at the moment, but I can take a message." I answered.

"Okay. Well I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to my apartment for dinner." Bella explained.

"One second. Let me ask Demi." I said.

"Demi, Bella wants us to come over for dinner." I said, holding the phone away from my mouth.

Demi's smile dropped a little.

"Baby, I don't know if that's a good idea. You need to rest, but you can ask if she wants to come over to ours!" Demi suggested, her smile growing toward the end.

"Bella, Demi says I need to rest, but you're welcome to come over to our place!" I told her through the phone.

"Yay!! I can't wait. I'll be there at five. Tell Demi not to worry about dinner because I've got it." Bella said.

"Okay. See you then." I said, hanging up.

"She's coming over at five and is bringing dinner." I told Demi, taking a minute to look down at her phone screen saver.

It was a picture from when Demi first started fostering me. I had fallen asleep with my hands in her hair. Demi's now brown hair was pink at the time and I was completely bald.

I moved my hand up to my head and stroked my short hair. God, I hadn't even thought about the fact that I would be loosing it again. It had taken months to grow it out to a workable length. Loosing all my hair progress made it seem like I was moving backwards and I hated that.

"What are you thinking about baby?" Demi asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"My hair." I answered honestly.

There was no use in lying to Demi. She would get the truth out of me anyway so it was always easiest just to tell her my feelings right off the bat.

"Aw baby. How many times do I have to tell you that you're beautiful no matter what?" Demi asked, placing one hand on my thigh as the other stayed on the wheel.

"I know Demi. You've told me a million times. I mean yeah, I guess I'll be self-conscious no matter what, but that's not really what I'm worried about." I sighed.

"Baby, talk to me." Demi pleaded.

"It's just... I feel like I'm back tracking. My hair growing was like a symbol. Like I was putting the past behind me, but now I'm loosing all this progress and I'm going back to stage one so what's the point in fighting. I can't win." I say, tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh baby. I know you feel defeated, but you so aren't. I don't know why you have to go through all this. Only God knows why, but baby you're so strong. This isn't back tracking it's just another obstacle you need to overcome, but once you do, it's gonna be so worth it. You know, even what you're doing by preserving your eggs shows how strong you are and how far you've come. It's gonna be okay and I'm gonna be right here with you on this journey." She said, rubbing her hand up and down my thigh.

I could no longer control my cries. I wasn't sure if they were hopeful or sad cries. All I knew is that everything was overwhelming. The cancer was overwhelming, the tests were overwhelming, but so too, Demi's love and sureness was overwhelming. I just wasn't sure which side was bringing out the tears... A little of both I assumed.

"Thank you Demi." I cried.

"Anytime baby. It's what I'm here for." She smiled, placing her hand back on the steering wheel and driving the rest of the way home.

Demi's POV:

"BELLA!!" I screamed, running into my girlfriends embrace.

Even though it had only been a few days since I'd last seen her, it still felt like forever. I'm sure it had something to do with how emotional the fews days were.

"Hi baby. How are you and Anna doing?" She asked, pulling away from the hug and placing her hands on my shoulders.

I sighed.

"We're holding up. I just feel bad for her. She's had to deal with so much and it seems like nothing is going right. I just want things to go well for her." I explained.

"I know baby. Oh, by the way, I totally forgot to ask on the phone. What did the doctor say today?" She asked.

"She's fertile. We have the retrieval appointment on Saturday. I feel like it's gonna be pretty hard for her, but I know it's what's best for her future." I said.

Bella nodded.

"So she has nothing this week then?" Bella asked.

I shook my head.

"No doctors appointments, no nothing?" She asked again.

"Nope. She's got the week off." I chuckled.

"Demi. I might sound crazy, but I have an idea." Bella said, smiling slightly.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why she was so happy.

"Let's go somewhere!" She exclaimed.

"What? Where?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, but you said Anna's had to deal with so much. A quick vacation might be just what she needs!" She said.

"Bella, I don't know. She's been pretty tired. Literally all she's done is sleep the past few days. I mean, she slept all yesterday and she's sleeping upstairs as we speak." I argued.

"Well good, then she'll be plenty rested for the trip. Come on Demi. She won't be able to do anything fun for the next few months of treatment so let's do it while we can. It can be like a family vacation!" She said, pleading like a child in a toy store.

I sighed.

"Fine, but I'll have to call her doctor and make sure it's safe." I concluded.

Bella squealed and hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She exclaimed.

I laughed at her childishness.

"I love you Demi." She smiled, once she was calmed down.

"I love you too Bella." I replied.

Bella was right, we could use a vacation.

A/N: Hey guys it's demiLOVEato92 here! Not that it really matters, but I changed my username from demiLOVEato22 to demiLOVEato92 if you're wondering (huge change I know😝). Anyway, there's gonna be some happier moments coming up and Bella's gonna make a comeback so that's cool. I also just wanted to ask if there was anything you guys wanted more of or any ideas you have. Please feel free to message me ideas on my account ( demiLOVEato92 )or even comment ideas here if you'd like. So, thanks so much for reading and I hope you're enjoying it! Love ya'll!! 💗💗💗

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