Chapter 74

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Demi's POV:

I watched sadly as Anna lay on the hospital bed. The doctors allowed me to change her into a hospital gown upon our arrival, but instructed me to keep the top portion down so they could apply some cold washcloths to her chest in an attempt to cool her body. Seeing Anna laying so helpless reminded me of how fragile she really was. I knew the inside Anna; the inside Anna was a warrior. I just wished her tiny frame would get the message and stay healthy. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Demi?" Anna croaked, moving her head to look at me.

She now had an oxygen tube in her nose and an IV in her arm so she really didn't have much mobility.

"Yeah, sweetheart?" I asked, walking over to the side of her bed and sitting by her.

"I want them off." She stated, glancing down at the washcloths that covered her chest.

It had been a few hours since we arrived so I figured it would probably be okay to take them off. The doctors were monitoring her vitals and she seemed to be doing better now.

"Yeah, okay." I replied, reaching out and gently taking the washcloths off of her chest.

"I'm cold." She shivered as I did.

"And wet." I chuckled, seeing the left over water from the cloths.

Anna forced a laugh as I got up to grab some paper towels from the bathroom connected to her room. I walked back over to her and wiped her chest off.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked as I did.

She nodded her head slightly.

"Good, now scoot over so I can cuddle you." I stated with a smirk, throwing the towel in the trash once she was dry.

The only good part about the hospital was all the snuggle time I got with Anna. She had to be in bed all day when we were here and I really enjoyed just being with her. When we were at home over these last few months there had been so many distractions. I was working on my fifth album and Anna was busy working on her first. I also had Bella and Anna had been taking school classes online so as hard as the situation was, it was nice for us to get some alone time. I jumped into bed with Anna and instantly pulled her into my arms as best I could. She snuggled her body up into me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Demi?" She asked after a moment.

"Yeah, baby?" I responded.

"What's gonna happen tomorrow?" She weakly asked.

There was fear in her voice and you could tell it was all she could think about at the moment.

"With your procedure?" I asked her, already knowing the answer.

She nodded her head.

"Well, we'll have to talk to the doctors more about that, but if you're fever stays down I don't see why they can't still do it." I explained.

"I'm so nervous." Anna stated.

I was glad she was so open with me nowadays. I always think back to the time when it took so much to get anything out of her. It was nice to know she trusted me so much. I was going to be her parent after all.

"I know you are sweetheart, but it will be okay." I soothed, running my hands through her short hair.

"But what if you can't come in the room with me?" Anna whimpered.

"Let's not think about that. You're doctor said that they would probably be understanding of our situation so let's just wait and see, okay?" I told her.

She nodded again, but didn't seem convinced. One thing I knew about Anna was that when she was worried about something, there was no easy way to take her mind off of it.

"It's getting late and your body needs some rest so how about you go to sleep?" I suggested, even though I probably wasn't gonna give her an option to stay up and worry and more.

"Okay." Anna simply stated.

"Hey, I'm here, everything's gonna be okay." I reminded her again.

I knew she was worried about tomorrow and if I'm being honest, so was I. As I held my little girl in my arms, I couldn't help but think about any and everything that would go wrong. I guess Anna was more like me than I thought.

A/N: hey guys!! This is demiLOVEato92. First of all, I'm so sorry it's taken forever to update. I'll try to update again this weekend because you deserve it. I haven't done any voting goals or anything recently and will probably stop because I'm never able to update on time, but if this chapter gets 30+ votes I'll update again this weekend for sure!! Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!!

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