Chapter 4

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Mia made Hunter sleep in the bathtub the night before because she found it weird that a guy was sleeping in her room and she barely knew who he was. Hunter heard a noise coming from Mia's room, it sounded like bickering. He sat up in the tub and stretched his arms and a pain shot through his back, he had no idea a tub could be so painful, even with the pillows he threw in.

He leaned against the door frame, looking into her room. Mia was sitting at her vanity, her phone in between her ear and her shoulder while she tried to brush her knotty blonde hair.
"Yes, A, I know." She sighed, "I wasn't feeling well."
She paused for a minute to let her friend shout back at her.
"Look Alana, I had a really bad headache. I'm sorry texting you wasn't the first thing that came to my mind." She groaned.
"No, Connor had nothing to do with me leaving the party last night, Alana."
She let out a deep breath, "Can we talk about this later? I have to get ready for school."
Without another word, Mia hung up.

"Human girls are so dramatic." Hunter said abruptly, causing Mia to jump.
She turned around to see Hunter leaning against the door frame to the bathroom, and he was shirtless. Her eyes widened but then she looked away, embarrassed.
"Tell me about it." She mumbled before quickly looking in her hand mirror which her father had given to her when she was a baby, as her mother told her.
She got up from her seat and grabbed her towel then walked past Hunter and into the bathroom.
"Hey, Mia, I need to go to Maldros for a couple of minutes because my friend needs me." Hunter mentioned, "Try not to get killed in that small space of time."

Mia looked at him confused, "And what is Maldros again?"
Hunter rolled his eyes, "My home planet."
"Right..." She said, "Once one of those demon things don't try anything with me again, then I'll be fine,"
"I hope so, and if there is one... Stab it with a toilet plunger or something." He laughed and she gave him a thumbs up before slamming the door in his face.


Hunter arrived in his best friend, Kathrine's, house moments later. She was startled by the blue light of teleporting but she soon realized it was him. She was sitting on a leather couch in her room, reading a book. She sat up and placed the book on the table in front of her after marking her page.

"Took you long enough," Kathrine said as she walked over to him to embrace him.
"Sorry, I had to get my beauty sleep, you know," He joked and Kathrine just rolled her eyes.
"It clearly isn't working." She said sarcastically and Hunter just stuck out his tongue at her.

Kathrine walked back over to the couch and picked up the book she had earlier.
"I've been doing some reading, and I haven't pin pointed exactly what the human is, but I'm sure she has some sort of way to absorb the magic from the Protector Chain." She explained and he nodded slowly.
"No, my pet pickle. Yes, dumbass. Mia." She said mockingly.
"Your sarcasm hurts sometimes." He pouted and she gave him a smug smile as she ran her fingers through her silky black hair.
"So why hasn't she been able to see me before?" He questioned as he picked up the book and flipped it over to read the back.
"My guess is she's some sort of sorcerer. She doesn't know that she is, therefore she hasn't been able to control her power. Maybe something changed?"

Hunter thought hard, none of this was making any sense to him.
"I have a feeling that she's very powerful," she mumbled.
Kathrine kicked her feet up onto Hunter's lap as she rested her head against the couch arm.
"I don't think that's the problem. The question is what does Nadia want with all of her power?" Hunter said, mostly to himself.
"I think we need to go talk to her," Kathrine said as she looked at her friend.
"Do you remember the night before graduation, you said Nadia came to your house but I was sleeping and you tried to eavesdrop on the conversation between her and your parents, did you hear anything?" Hunter asked.
"Not really, I only heard her mention your name and something about 'you'd do anything for it.' However, we clearly don't know what it was." She said in a low voice.This whole thing was confusing him and he had about one hundred questions to ask Nadia.

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