Chapter 3

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We stayed like that for a while, and Drake cleared a space to gather wood for a small fire. We then sat down and looked up at the sky our faces glowing from the warmth of the fire. It was perfect in that moment and we just talked.

That was until we heard a noise.

Crack after crack we could tell something was encircling us, more like we could tell a whole army of something was encircling us. Then we saw them, figures of people coming towards us. Panicked, I quickly got up not knowing what to do or where to go.

“Renee listen to me, you know how I was talking about secrets and such?” I nodded thinking back to the few hours ago that we were talking and he said that ‘he could be just like me’; “Well first thing to clear up, I’m a werewolf…so only in the same whole ‘magic’ thing.” How unexpected, I mean first me using ‘powers’ to bash a guy into a wall but now there are werewolves too? “Second thing those things that are coming after us aren’t humans. At all. They’re called Aevids. I personally think that they should be called its…not the point, the point is that they’re out to destroy us. You, to destroy you, ok? And whoever is controlling them gave them orders and when they are told to do something they stop at nothing to finish the job.” I looked at Drake like I had just seen pigs fly.

“What?” I screamed at him frantically putting my hands in the air, making the wood ram straight into one of the ‘aevids’ resulting into making it fly into a tree. “What the hell?” I said putting my hands down.

“They’re cross breeds Renee. Even I don’t know what all it is, except that they kind of act like vampires. Basically rabid vampires. Whatever they don’t finish off turns into one of them. You, Renee are Eidon (A/N Eidon: pronounced like eed sound from seed and own eed-own basically) and to them, you basically shouldn’t exist in their eyes.”

“Um run on three?” He nodded, making motions with his fingers ‘3’, ‘2’, ‘1’.


                I started emptying out things from my shoulder bag. I threw books around from my classes, still keeping my cell phone. I also felt glad for remembering earlier to grab granola bars and 2 water bottles.

We finally stopped, and waited. But, they never came. “Renee we need to get a move on, and go away. Far away from this town.”

“No I’m not going to do that.” I knew I was being stubborn, but I had grew up here. No matter what the conditions were, this was still my home.

“Renee, you’re coming with me.” He growled.

“And what if I say no?” I was putting on a strong front, but on the inside I was trembling. What happened if I did go? Would my parents notice? Would anyone say anything.

Before I had any more time to think Drake said, “You wont.”


Cliff hangy much? teehee

ok so I really want comments. not just on this but all of my stories. its helpful to know what you like and see what i can do about the changes.

ok so my little smurfs



and i bid you aedu (however you spell that LMAO)


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