Chapter 5

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“Drake get up!” I said poking him, he was still in his wolf form. Not even a rustle. Stupid dog.  I got my water bottle and crouched behind a rock taking out half of it (which I admit was stupid but I had another bottle) I used my new powers to lift it up  and dropped it right when it was smack dab in the middle of his face. He jolted awake jumping a mile high. I tried to contain my giggle.

                I waited a minute and when I no longer heard heavy paws I stood up and burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh,” I said not being able to breathe, “Your face was so funny!” As a dog it just looked weird but hilarious.

                “Very funny Renee.” He said dryly. I shrugged.

“It’s not my fault you wouldn’t get up, stupid dog.” He narrowed his eyes at me putting on his shirt.

“Well we have to get going,” he said at the same time I said, “There are more of me.”

“What?” Drake asked confused.

“Well not me. But my kind, three actually.”

“All the more reason to go.” He didn’t question how I knew this, “We aren’t far from a town I know of so let’s go there ok?” I nodded.

“Do we have to…or do you have to change again?”

“No, it’s literally twenty minutes away, I can smell the fumes of a factory or something.” I nodded once again and we walked out of the cave. When we came up to the town, it was smaller than the one I lived in. We were headed towards a store because we didn’t have really anything.

“So after this what’s the plan?” I asked.

“What ‘plan’?” he asked.

“Like do we stay here or keep moving?”

He sighed, “Renee, I don’t know. All I know is that there are numerous amounts of things coming after you, so the longer we stay the faster they’ll find us. Not only are they werewolves and vampires and god knows what else, but also shape shifters. They could be your best friend for all we know.” I didn’t have one, so crossing that off the list.

“Ok, Drake, I understand.” Apparently, he had money and a wallet I didn’t know about. It held a credit card and 500 dollars cash. We walked into the store and he told me to go find some necessities then throw the ones we’re wearing away because they look awful.

                I found the hiking section; since we were right next to a mountain they had that. I took two camel packs, two hiking backpack, and a hunting knife for god knows what. Then went on to get dry food like jerky and also a couple gallons of water for the packs. I also may or may not have taken some chocolate for the journey. I saw a girl between all the stuff I had, She had fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders and brown eyes. She stared at me curiously.

“Ready to go?” I almost jumped fifty feet in the air because he scared me.

“Oh my god Drake! Don’t do that!” I hissed. I saw the clothes in his hand, “Wow…while I have been shopping for more than just clothes you just shopped for clothes.”

“Me and you.” He said, “Now come on let’s get out of here and pay for our stuff.” We went up to the checkout counter and I said hello. The woman only nodded staring at me. After we got all checked out drake got to the door before me and so the door closed. When I got near it I heard a click and it wouldn’t open not even when I pushed it. I stepped back and that’s when the man from the counter jumped in front of me.

“Bitch better be playing!” I screamed. She then made an odd noise and lunged. Guess not. I quickly darted out of the way. Drake was banging on the door.

“Renee! Get out of there!” I heard his muffled voice say. Suddenly the girl I saw earlier stood next to me and made a rack fall on top of the imposter of a woman.

“Get behind me.” She ordered in a slight Australian accent.

“Over my dead body.” What a clever response, I thought. Suddenly out of nowhere more Aevids started appearing. I didn’t think about how it was just the three of us in the store, and how unusual that was.

“This isn’t a time to try play hero. Now get behind me!” One of the disgusting creatures latched onto my arm, and I used my free hand to make a pretty heavy looking microwave in its box bash against its head making it crumple to the ground. More came from both sides so she got one side and I got the other, in one quick motion the rack came crashing down on them. All of them were dead in here now.

“So much for only trying to play hero, huh?” I said amusingly, the girl rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand, “I’m Ellie.”

“Renee.” I said shaking her hand, “So you’re an Eidon?”


“Would you know who the original Eidon’s name was?”

“Eidon actually, only by chance though was she named that.”

“I didn’t know that. I think I saw her, in my dream. She helped me a lot, also she looked like me too.” I said. Ellie’s eyes widened then went back to normal.

“Uh…how do we get out?” I asked.

“Her,” Ellie pointed to nothing until a five inch fairy appeared out of nowhere.

“I’m Lexi, short for Alexandria,” she said.

“Hi, Lexi. Can you open that door?” I asked.

“Yeah. Hold on.” She went up to it and stared at it. Suddenly Ellie asked.

“So how long have you known about this power?” she asked.

“Only about a day. What about you?”

“Around a week. Lexi came the day I found out and has been guiding me ever since.” Lexi had blonde hair that went down to her mid back, and a blue toga dress. But she also had this kind of silver glow to her. Once the door opened we looked as Drake ran in.

“Your ok!” He exclaimed.

“Yep! Oh and this is Ellie and her guardian, Lexi.” I said pointing. He hauled the stuff into the bags and Lexi asked, “Do you want that smaller?” she pointed to the bags and Ellie pulled out her miniature version of ours, which was about the size of a cell phone.

“That’d be great! But I have some clothes to try on.” I quickly grabbed the clothes Drake got and tried them on, they all fit so I kept one on throwing away my current dirty one. I then went to go get lighters and more food then came running back, grabbing drake’s wallet and pulling out a twenty setting it on a counter then scanning the items giving a large discount on everything. “Here,” I said stuffing all the stuff inside the packs. She changed it to the same kind as Ellies.

“Well will you be joining us on our ‘adventure’?” Drake asked. Ellie nodded.

“I guess so.” I kept the camel packs out handing one out to everyone, I had also gotten more water so Lexi made that small, too. And then we were off, ready to find the last two of our kind.


Meh for the second time today. its 12:56 and i am tired. honestly ive been spending time in the morning when im not doing anything and nights when im not doing anything to write and upload because the rest of the day im out. But enough of me, i want to hear about YOU and what YOU think about this story because YOUR comments are going to be so helpful to this story :D





and au revoir ninja smurf people


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