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*Nathan's wolf*

Nathan POV

I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air. I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest at any moment. Most of the time I would have nightmares about my parents dying and yelling for me to help them, but this time it wasn't my parents, it was Thalia. 

*Dream flashback* 

I was walking in the woods trying to follow the cent of another werewolf. I had come across it earlier and was determined to figure out who it was. I went deeper into the woods focused on his cent. The only thing I could get from the cent is that it belonged to a male werewolf. Which only made me wonder even more who it belonged to. I knew I was getting closer as the cent got stronger. I was then brought out of concentration when I heard a high pitch scream. It was a female one. It was the same direction I was headed to find the other wolf. I started to run towards the scream without loosing the cent. The cent was only getting stronger as I got even closer. I heard another scream, this time she was pleading.

"Someone help me, please!" I froze as I recognized who the scream belonged to.It was Thalia. I heard it about a mile forward of where I was standing. I sprinted towards her direction hoping I was wrong about it being her. I was running faster then I ever had. I needed to find her. 

I felt anger boiling inside me as I saw what was in front of me. The other wolf was hovering over her ready to attack her. I kept running, but it looked like the faster I ran the farther they were. I slowed down as I saw the wolf look in my direction. He growled and looked back at Thalia. Thalia started to yell ,scared for her life. She looked in my direction , and connected her eyes with mine. Her beautiful hazel eyes were begging me to come and save her. 

"Nathan! Help me!" she yelled before I started to sprint again. The other wolf started to circle around her like she was a piece of meat. I kept running for what felt like hours, but I didn't make any progress. I was getting frustrated and decided to shift.I shifted running towards them, not caring if Thalia saw me or not. Her eyes widened with fear when she saw I had just turned into animal. My wolf let out a small whimper,but continued running. 

The other wolf soon got tired of circle-ling around her and jumped on her biting her shoulder. She let out of scream filled with pain and fear. The other wolf looked up at me with a bloodied mouth, he looked like he was almost smiling. I felt my heart sink when I saw Thalia, laying limb on the ground. I was finally able to make progress , as I got closer to her the copper cent hit my nose. I howled in pain from seeing her like this. I laid next to Thalia's lifeless body. 

*End of Dream* 

I sat up and rested against the headboard, remembering my nightmare. I needed to figure out who was the other werewolf. 


Thalia POV 

I was blinded by the sudden light in my room. I hid under my covers and then felt them being yanked away from, exposing my body to the cold air. 

"Rise and shine, honey!" my mother yelled as she clapped, very annoyingly. 

I groaned "Let me sleep, it's the weekend." I said as I tried to yank the covers back. 

"No can do. We are going out today, as a family." her words brought me out of my sleepiness as soon as the words left her mouth." Your father and I decided today was family day. So we will be spending the whole day together." she said with a smile.

I couldn't help but feel exited I as I got ready to spend the day with my parents. I was suppose to be mad at them,but this was an opportunity I couldn't miss. I was looking through my closet to find something to wear. I didn't know were we were going so I chose something casual, but not to casual. I went for a plain white skater skirt and a floral crop top, I paired them with some beige wedges. I left my hair be in its natural waves and applied natural makeup. When I finished I looked over to my mirror and felt satisfied with the results. I headed downstairs with a smile in my face already exited to spend the day with my parents. 

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