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I sat on the waiting room chair waiting to be let in with my father. More hunters showed up to the hospital after a while. They all gave me their condolences for my mother. People I've never met in my life tried to comfort me, telling me everything would be okay. But It wont. I know it wont. 

The same doctor from earlier came into the waiting room, he talked to one of the adults there and then headed towards me.

"Your father is awake, he wants to see you." I nodded and walked past him headed to my father's room. He stopped me,"It's best if you say your goodbye's now."he said in a gentle tone. Tears clouded in my eyes, every bit of hope I had was ripped out of me. A single tear fell out of my eyes and I turned again to the room. 

I opened the door and walked in with my head down. I didn't want to look at my father knowing that it might be the last time I see him. 

"Thalia." his voice low and barely audible. I raised my head at the sound of my name. His skin was pale. His once beautiful blue eyes were now sad and dull. My heart ached as I walked closer to my dad.

"Daddy." I said more as a whisper. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. He reached for my hand and I met his so that he didn't have to move. A small smile reached his face, he was so strong.

"Don't." was all he said."I don't want to see you cry." he said wiping the tears from my face. I nodded and tried to smile. He smiled back."Please don't be upset." He said. How could he tell me not to be upset? My mother was dead and was told my father would soon be too. 

"I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I wasn't a good father to you." he said with a sad tone.

"No. don't say that. I know why you left and I forgive you." I said tears falling down my face."I forgive you." I repeated. He smiled.

"I love you daddy." I said leaning close to him and kissing his cheek. I rested my head on his chest as he hugged me. 

"I love you too honey." he said kissing the top of my head. I cried into his chest as he tried to hold me tighter. "I told you I would see you again remember?" he asked in a low tone. "Even if is for the last time." 

"No. You're going to be okay. This isn't the last time." I raised my head from him. "Your going to be okay." I whispered. He didn't say anything he just looked at me. 

"I need you to be strong Thalia." he said, making it sound like an order. "Stay strong. Be strong. Don't let anyone ever take advantage of you.Ever. Protect yourself." He said in a stern voice. He gripped on my hand and saw a tear fall from his eyes. His grip loosened as his eyes started to close.

I shook my head,"No please." I begged. "Please don't leave me!" I yelled as I gripped his hand and cried. His eyes shut completely and the machine made a loud beep sound. "No please! Daddy stay with me." I whimpered. "Please stay." I whispered. I shut my eyes crying, still holding on to his hand. He was gone. I was alone. His last words replayed in my head over and over again. "Protect yourself." I felt grief,pain.....anger. My parents were killed by the same alpha, the same werewolf. The werewolf that took everything from me. Took my parents from me. I angrily wiped the tears from my face. Crying won't fix anything. All I've been doing is cry. I feel so vulnerable,weak. I hate this feeling. "I promise." I said kneeling in front of my father's lifeless body."I will avenge you and my mother." I said in a stern voice."I promise." I repeated, my voice cracking. The door opened and Sebastian along with some other people came in. I stood and wiped the remaining tears falling from my face. Sebastian walked to me and pulled me into hug him. I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my face. I dug my face in is chest as I sobbed. "He left me." I cried in a low tone. "They both did." I continued to cry. He tightened his grip on me.

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