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NEXT MONDAY, THE overall points are shown on the scoreboard for each squad. We're now in sixth, and squad 53 took our spot.

It's like I failed them. I give a small pep talk after seeing the board and their mad faces. "Alright guys, I want full, 100% focus and attention. We need to be at least in the top four squads to graduate at the end of the month. So, no distractions, no low scores in any events we take on, and no leaving each other behind. If you don't listen to me, I swear I'll tie your laces to your wrists and hang you outside of the barracks overnight. Naked."

Stiletto puts an arm over her chestal area.

"Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Pluto mumbles. The others follow.

"It's not like you're even around to direct us," Barrel points out.

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Always draping yourself over Private Zombie. You're like, in love with him. Abandoned your own squad. You never have time with us," he snaps.

I strike him hard across the face. "I don't like Zombie. And maybe I'm here less than I should be, but I'm here now, aren't I? Don't think that some boy is going to twist my judgment and senses on how to lead a good squad. Understand?"

"Yes," he says through clenched teeth, one hand grabbing his cheek and the other balled into a fist at his side.

"Better shape up or ship out, Barrel."

He grunts and folds his arms across his chest.

"Hey, Red, can I talk to you for a sec?" Stiletto tugs at my sleeve. "It's about one of the squad leaders and-"

"Stiletto, I don't really care right now. I have to get this squad in order if I want to stay as leader. If this was part of your plan to get me on Reznik's bad side, you're doing a pretty good job, so shut up and listen to my orders. Got it?"

She glares at me with absolute loathing but purses her lips and nods curtly.

I could care less how she felt. I have to get my squad in shape or else we won't graduate.

When I follow her out, Zombie comes in and takes my arm to spin me around. "Hey, Ugly."

"Hey yourself, dipshit. Good job so far on the scoreboard," I congratulate.

A smile tugs at the end of his lips. "Thanks."

"Ringer's been a big help to you, no doubt," I blurt out. I press my lips together and wait for his response.

"Yeah, she has. But I still need help on aim with-"

"The squad leader can't even shoot?" I let a laugh escape. He bites his lip as I continue laughing.

"I imagined you laughing at a joke, not at me."

"Trust me, Zombie, you are a joke." When I'm finished, I put my hands on my hips and dare to look at him. He's extremely angry for my remark. "Sorry."

"Whatever. Ringer's a better shot than I am."

"So she's gonna teach you."

"Yeah, got a problem with that, Red?"

"No, that's... that's awesome. Good luck to you." I salute him in a mocking way and leave.

"Unless you're better than she is, you can help me," he calls out.

I stop in my tracks. "I'm not that good."

"Fine. I guess I'll just talk to Ring-"

"I can help you." Shit, did I just say that? I'm barely above an okay level in shooting. But if Zombie needs help that desperately, I can't be as bad as him.

INTERIM · BEN PARISH | ✓Where stories live. Discover now