not like the movies

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After a late night of celebrating, the charmings, Henry, Emma and Regina all headed to Regina's for a family celebration. They we're sitting in the living room playing one of Emma's favorite games, The Game of Life, laughing and having a great time. Half way through the game, Regina interrupted, "how about a slice of my famous apple crumble cake?" Everyone moved to the kitchen for cake and presents. Emma sitting next to Regina, while Henry and the charmings sat on the other side of the table. "Here mom, actually moms, I have one more present for you." Henry smiled, and handed Emma the present. It was a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with swans on it. Emma carefully ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside lay two necklaces, both were of a swan wearing a crown. Emma took them out of the box. "Thank you Henry, they're beautiful." Emma kissed her son. She handed one of the necklaces to Regina and they both put them on. Mary Margret laughed. "I guess Ruby helped you pick those out?" She asked Henry who shook his head. "Mom, what did you get Emma for her birthday?" Henry asked Emma held up her hand displaying the engagement ring. "And..." Emma took out her phone to show everyone a beautiful photo of Mona. Mary Margret gasped. Emma had told her all about Mona when she was a girl, Emma had even shown the picture of her riding her. "I thought she..." Mary Margret began before being cut off from Emma. "Dead? Yeah so did I. But she isn't, and she's mine forever now." Emma said looking at Regina with love. "Now I guess it's our turn." David said. He looked at Mary Margret kind of worried. Emma flashed them a look of confusion before Mary Margret continued for him. "Emma, we have another daughter... her name is Ava." Emma stared at them in shock and anger. "So you had another kid and decided not to tell me about her? Why?" Emma yelled. Mary Margret continued "we adopted her after Regina almost killed her. She was only 8 when we rescued her." Mary margret looked up at david whoby finished. "Right before you were born, when she was 17, we found out that she was in a relationship with Ruby, so we banished her into the forbidddn forest. She didn't come here with the curse, and until recently, we thought she was still there." "You not only lied to me, you banished both of your daughters? I can't believe, you guys, of all people, would banish someone based off of their sexual orientation!" "Emma, thats why we're talking about this now. We regret ever banishing her, thats why we... I was so accepting of who you were. We couldn't lose our other daughter too." Mary Margret said. By this time, Emma had tears streaming down her face. She ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door. Regina's eyes followed the blonde, before she finally followed her. She knocked on the door.
"Emma? Can I come in?" Regina asked through the clossd doors. Emma opened the door to let Regina in and they sat on the bed together. Emma looking down, letting her blonde hair fall into her face. Regina gently pulled it back and lifted her chin up with one hand, so Emma was staring into Regina's chocolate brown eyes. "Hey, princess, keep your head up, your tiara is falling." Regina said smiling while she wiped a tear away on Emma's face with the other hand. Emma couldn't help but smile. "Emma, you have a sister! You should be happy!" Regina said, searching Emma's green eyes. Regina kissed her lovingly. "I am Gina, I'm upset because my parents lied to me again." A tear trickling down her cheek. "Em, I know exactly how you feel. When I found out Zelena was my sister, I felt the same way. I realized though, that I need to let it go, an do accept it for what it is, just like I had to do with Ducky." Regina took Emma's hand and placed it on Regina's belly. Emma smiled when she felt a kick. Regina smiled too, it was the first kick she had felt. Emma looked into Regina's eyes, before kissing her. Emma pulled back. "Thanks Gina." Emma said with a smile. "Just think of all the good you have in your life. Your parents are Prince Charming and Snow White, you have a little brother, you have a son named Henry who believes in you more than anything and you have me, who knows you are the strongest, most loving and beautiful woman in all the realms." Emma kissed Regina again. Regina pulled away and started singing one of Emma's favorite songs. "If it's not like the movies that's how it should be, when she's the one I 'll come undone and my world will stop spinning, and it's just the beginning, Snow White said when I was young, one day my princess would come so I waited for that date, they said it's hard to meet your match and find your better half so we make perfect shapes, if the stars don't align and it doesn't stop time, if you can't see the sign, wait for it, 100 percent worth every penny you spend, she'll be the one that finishes your sentences, just like the movies, that's how it will be, cinamatic and dramatic with the perfect ending..." Emma smiled with tears in her eyes. Regina had changed the lyrics for her. "Its a crazy idea that you were made perfectly for me, you'll see." A tear rolled down both of their faces, while they stared into each others eyes. Emma leaned into kiss Regina, but right before she did, there was a knock on the door. Emma went to open it to see her mom and dad standing in front of her. She hugged them "I'm sorry". "Emma, it's okay, we should have told you sooner." Mary Margret said looking at Regina. "Were going home so you can pack. Have fun you two." Mary Margret said and they walked downstairs to leave.

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