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Regina and Emma couldn't sleep very well that night. They we're so nervous, but also excited about what tomorrow would mean. It would mean a life time together, it would mean love, and a family, and of course, their happy endings.
"Henry, it's time to get up." Regina gently shook Henry awake. His eyes shot open, and he jumped out of bed, excited to get ready for the day. Regina went back to her room where Emma was holding Sara and giving her a bottle. "Em, you make a great mother." Regina said gently walking over to Emma and sitting on the bed next to her and wrapping an arm around her. Emma kissed her lightly. Sara hiccuped and both Regina and Emma looked down and smiled at their daughter. "I still can't believe it." Emma said. "Cant believe what?" Regina asked. "Well for starters, I can't believe you created this beautiful girl... I can't believe that even though we hated each other, that we some how found love for each other. I still can't believe that our son found me and brought me to my family. I can't believe that my sister is my all time favorite singer. I cant believe we're together, that you love me, that I have a daughter that I share with you, that we're getting married today... that we have both found our happy endings. I honestly never thought my life would ever turn out for the better."Emma said smiling and looking into Sara's green eyes. Regina looked at Emma, a tear trickling down her cheek. "I can't believe I would ever change. That you, of all people would ever believe in me, let alone want me. I never thought I'd have a daughter, a daughter with the love of my life, the person who always believed in me for better or for worse, you have changed me into someone I never thought I could be. I can't believe that the day we met I was so harsh to you, when I should have asked you out. I can't believe that you being a product of true love, the Savior, would ever love someone as evil as me." Regina said, tears trickling down her face. Emma looked up at her. "Gina, no matter who you were in the past, I will always love you." Emma said with a smile. Regina kissed her. "Of all people why me?" Regina asked. "Well, I saw a troubled heart. Someone who was hurting and felt alone and lost in this world, just like I did. I thought you needed a friend, someone you could trust. When you started trusting me to take care of our son before we went to New York, I fell in love. I saw your love for Henry and a new kindness in your heart. I saw a new beginning for you. I had no idea things would turn out like this, but I hoped it would, and look at us now." Emma said "but why me Regina? Why would you choose me over Robin? Gold told me your conversation you had months ago." Emma asked. " the night you arrived in Storybrooke and the first time I saw you, you took me by surprise. I had no idea who I was messing with. The day I truely fell in love with you, was the day you told me that you believed in me to take care of your parents. I saw your magical potential and that made me want you, but what really made me want you, was the way you looked at me. The way you blushed and smiled everything our eyes met. I knew who I wanted, I was just scared to reveal the person I really am, but you accepted that when no one else would. Not even Robin." Regina said taking the baby from Emma and holding her herself. "Well miss mills, we have a wedding to get ready for." Emma said standing up and gently taking Regina's free hand and pulled her up. "All right Miss swan." Regina said with a smirk.
"Mom? Can you tie my tie for me?" Henry asked Regina "of course" Regina replied. She quickly knotted up the tie and looked at her son. She couldn't believe how fast he was growing up. Emma came out of the bathroom. "Looking good kid!" Emma said giving him a thumbs up, and Henry ran out the door. "They grow up so fast." Regina said staring out the bedroom door. "I wouldn't know. But lucky for us, we have another tying us down for the next 18 years." Emma laughed and Regina did too. Sara was down with Katy, who was watching over niel and Sara while everyone else got ready. Finally, Emma and Regina it was time to get dressed. they both decided to go with beautiful strapless dresses that we're overall, pretty simple and didn't have very much detail. Everyone met downstairs when they were ready. Emma and Regina looked outside along the beach to see almost the entire town of storybrooke. They both got nervous. Finally Ruby came down. She was wearing a beautiful red dress. "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" She said laughing. Katy followed Ruby down the stairs. She was wearing one of Emma's favorite dresses. A beautiful red and white striped dress like a candy cane, her long black hair gently falling on her shoulders. She picked up baby Sara who was in a beautiful pink lace dress. "Everyone ready?" She asked. "Ready as we will ever be." Emma replied. They opened the French doors leading to the beach. there were several photographers, a few were from magazine and newspaper companies. Katy took her seat with Sara and Mary Margret with Neil in the front row. David was giving away Emma, and Henry was giving away Regina, seeming that she didn't have any other family. Gold was the preacher. Standing just under the wedding banister. Emma and Regina took deep breaths, and the music started playing. Henry and Regina walking down the isle first, Regina looking very nervous. She stood under the alter and waited for her bride. She stared at Emma the whole time she walked down the isle. She wouldn't dare take her eyes off her. Emma's hair fell perfectly on her shoulders, those green eyes of hers sparkling in the sun, her lips looking as red as one of Regina's freshly picked apples. And her swanqueen necklace complimented her perfectly. She couldn't wait to taste them. Finally, Emma met up with her and they faced each other, smiling ear to ear.
After exchanging vows, everyone pulled out their phones. "You may kiss your bride" Gold finally said. They kissed, cameras clicking and flashing. Everyone cheered and applauded the couple, as they walks do back down the sandy isle. Katy made some sort of jesture to Gold, and even there wasn't much magic in this land, he used what little he had left to make Mona and Regina's horse to appear at the end of the isle. Emma smiled and looked at Regina, both of them instantly getting the same idea. Luckily for the both of them, they both wore shorts under their dresses. They ran over to the horses and jumped on bare back. They looked at each other, happier than ever, and they took off galloping along the beautiful beach.

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