Announcing the long awaited news.

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The whole family was packed into the drawing room after dinner deep in separate conversations. Sybbie sat sullenly next to Mary, who's bloodshot eyes did nothing but confirm the families suspicions as she refused the port being offered by Carson.

Sybbie sighed, looking around the room. Thomas stood in an equally sorry state over in the corner, intently listening in on Robert and Cora's conversation.

She quickly drew her eyes away in fear of being spotted and began to instead think of Daniel. He had promised to write to her when he returned... Hopefully, a letter would be arriving in the morning post.

Suddenly, Michael rose, clearing his throat for attention. The whole family broke off all previous talks and looked at him expectantly, making him feel rather uncomfortable. He looked down at Edith, who gestured to carry on and began to speak:

"Um, good evening everyone. The reason I am stood here right now is because Edith and I have an announcement to make..."

This caused looks to be exchanged around the room, and Marigold to swallow nervously.

Edith stood, taking his hand "we are engaged to be married!"

Cora let out a delighted squeal and ran over to hug her daughter. Mary, who was quite bemused at the scene, clapped, smiling. Sybbie wasn't sure, but she thought she heard her aunt mutter "finally" under her breath.

Sybbie hugged Edith and shook Michael's hand before returning to her seat. Amongst the congratulations and chaos, she saw Marigold shift uncomfortably next to Tom.

After the excitable family had calmed down a bit, Robert stepped forward, putting down his glass.

"I seem to have underestimated you, my dear chap. I know I can trust you to make my daughter happy." He smiled, patting Michael on the back before going to hug Edith himself.

After the family were back in their seats, they began to raise questions.

"When is the wedding to be?" Mary asked, smoothing her dress.

"We were hoping October. That way it will give everyone enough time."
Edith said, beaming radiantly.

"I will write to Rose, she won't want to miss it for the world" Cora said, thinking of the excitable, lovable woman they hadn't seen in years.

"And, we have decided we would like it to take place here, at Downton... If you would oblige?"

The family muttered their approval and soon the whole evening was taken up discussing dresses, colour schemes, honeymoons... Sybbie eagerly joined in, giving suggestions of what was popular in London and such.

Tom watched the scene from afar, sitting fatigued by the fire. His daughter, who could be stubborn and political at the best of times, was also very much like the Crawleys. Sybil would be proud to see her fitting in so well. He noticed that Marigold, who was in the corner reading a magazine, didn't seem as interested in the wedding as the rest of the family.

As everyone retired for the night, Sybbie caught Marigold at the top of the stairs.

"Hey, um, I just wanted to check if you were okay." She whispered, remembering her reaction to her parents news.

Marigold looked away, shaking her head.
"I'm fine."

Sybbie gulped. She had never really liked the girl, but she wanted to be her friend nonetheless.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am here for you... If you ever want someone to listen"

With that, Marigold spun around, grabbing her older cousin as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I was mean to you Sybbie"
She sobbed, hugging her tightly.

"Don't worry about it. I think we should start afresh, don't you?" Sybbie muttered, hugging her back.

When she received a mumble of agreement, she stepped back and shook her hand. "If you want to talk, you know where I am" she nodded and Sybbie left for her room.

Author's note
Hey again everyone! Wow, I am doing well this week with updates! I just want to point out also that I DO NOT intend on making Thomas and Sybbie have any relationship beyond friendship, just bear that in mind that I'm not shipping them in any way shape or form. I hope you liked this chapter, it wasn't very interesting sorry, there will be more drama soon!

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