How Could I Forget You? - Ethan

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I woke up today with the same emptiness that I always feel. I only have one really close friend but she lives in New York (you live in New Jersey). I guess the Dolan Twins was a plus to living in New Jersey. I guess... In fact they go to the same school as you. Ethan, Grayson, and I used to be best friends back in elementary school. We were the "three amigos" which everyone liked to call us. We were always together, never separated. I mean how could we be? We were neighbors after all! But since they are vine famous and everything they are basically the most popular kids in the entire grade, let alone the entire school. After they got famous quickly, they basically shut me out of their life. After they started to ignore me, I started developing feelings for someone.

I have always had a crush on them but one stood out more than the other. Ethan Dolan. Ethan was my definition of perfection. Don't get me wrong Grayson was perfect also, but something about Ethan stood out. Some people think I'm crazy for thinking like this but to be honest Grayson acts like a douchebag in school. He's always thinking he's better than everyone else and that gets really annoying. I guess you could say that the fame got to Grayson. The fame never really got to Ethan. Ethan was always the kinder one out of the two. I always remind people that I can say these things because we used to be best friends.

The school year starts the same way as it does every year. The new freshman come in and freak out because Ethan and Grayson go to school with them. How amazing?! Honestly just shut your mouth you little freshman are annoying af. People always say ever since I stopped talking to the twins I've become really mean. I don't see it, I'm actually really nice! This little freshman walks up to me and asks "You're Y/N right?" I respond with a simple "Yeah" She goes "You used to be best friends with Ethan and Grayson, tell me why aren't you friends with them anymore?" That's it I'm done. I flip out at her. "Can you just get the fuck away from me?!" I scream. She runs away terrified.

I turn to my locker and start getting my books out of my locker when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Already frustrated as it is I say "What do you want? Leave me alone. Ugh." The person responds "Now that's not a way to talk to your best friend since kindergarten now is it?" I quickly turn around. It was Ethan.

I wanted to jump into his arms and tell him how much I've missed him but I just couldn't. I was still mad him and Grayson forgot about me. I respond "You mean your ex best friend. Don't act like you never forgot about me. You know Ethan everyone blames me for not being friends with you and Gray. I don't have any friends because I'm apparently the school joke because I'm the one that left you two. But you are so caught up in your famous little world that you can't even see what's happening right in front of you!" At this point you are balling your eyes out because you missed them so much!

Ethan looks upset and mad. He walks away and gets on top of a table and starts talking really loud "Everyone listen up. Y/N is not the one to get blamed for not being mine and Grayson's friend. Gray and I are the ones to blame. We ditched Y/N one day because we thought we would be better off without her. Ever since that day I've regretted it. Grayson not so much." Everyone looks surprised because they thought Grayson was super nice. Ethan continues "Everyday I think about not having Y/N in my life. I've always been afraid to acknowledge her because I was afraid what other people would think about me. But then I realized why does it matter what people think about you, if you're doing something for the person you love." Everyone looks at me with shock in their eyes. And then they look back at Ethan, but Ethan makes no sign of interest in them because he is already staring at me, smiling. Ethan still continues to talk "Listen up everyone, Y/N deserves an apology." Everyone in the hallway says "sorry" with upset looks on their faces. It almost looks like they all regretted judging for something they actually didn't know what happened. Ethan finishes up his little speech with "That girl over there is the girl I love (and he points you you). Y/N I haven't stopped loving you since kindergarten (Ethan gets off the table and walks over to you). Y/N I know this is sudden but would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" At this point you were in complete shock at what just happened. There was only one way to answer this question that you've been waiting for, for a very long time. You finally respond "Yes Ethan, I will be your girlfriend." The hallway fills with cheers.

Ethan leans and kisses you on the lips. When your lips connected with his, you knew this boy was the one for you. After the kiss, Ethan says "I've wanted to make you mine for a while now. You will forever and always be mine Y/N." Little did you and Ethan know you were going to spend the rest of you life together.

okay this was my first imagine! sorry it wasn't really that good but they'll get better I promise!
follow my Twitter @ dolanbtw 💖💕💓

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