Levi x Serious!Reader - Double Life (Modern AU)

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(Y/N) - Your name

(L/N) - Last name

(H/C) - Hair colour

(H/L) - Hair length

(E/C) - Eye colour

(S/T) - Skin tone


*Levi's PoV*

"Look at her, she hasn't even had lunch yet," Eren sighed, glancing over at (Y/N), who was furiously typing, her (H/C) locks jumping up and down as her hands flew across the keyboard.

"Does she ever even go home on time?" Jean pitched in, sitting on the table next to Eren.

"I swear once she stayed here all night," Sasha added with a sandwich hanging out of her mouth. I couldn't help but sigh.

"I bet she's got a lot going on..." I finally sighed, causing everyone to look at me.

(Y/N) was the top of the office, she was always at least three projects ahead of schedule, she never stopped working, and she usually does over time. When does she sleep? There are some days when she leaves on time, and I can never help but wonder what HOLY BLESSING of an activity happens that would mean she actually leaves work on time. I'll never know. But it really does amaze me how hard she works.

"I can hear you all snickering about me, so if you're going to have a bitch session, please take it elsewhere," (Y/N) groaned, causing everyone to stiffen at her harsh voice.

"S-s-sorry (Y/N)!" Sasha cried, scrambling back over to her computer and pounding on her keyboard, a few seconds later having to deleting it because all she wrote were a random series of letter with no useful material what so ever. (Y/N) rolled her (E/C) eyes and continued with her work, not that she stopped in the first place. I simply clicked my tongue and got on with my own work. I'm definitely a hard worker, but I'm not going to work until it kills me, besides, the boss is an ass hole and doesn't deserve my best effort.

I opened my phone to find that I forgot to change my background still. There was a picture of my arm's draped over Erwin's shoulders kissing his cheek, he had the most gorgeous smile. I went bi for this ass hole and he went and fucked every girl he could find, with girls!! That's just low. I quickly changed my background back to it's default and let out a long sigh. 'I'm gonna head to a strip club or something tonight, get my mind of stupid fucking Erwin and his thirsty eyebrows,' I thought as I took the last sip of my tea and continued sending a shit tonne of useless emails

-Time skip to after work-

Today was one of the days that (Y/N) actually went home on time, leaving all of us gawking at her casual exit. It's hard to notice when she's slumped over a computer, typing like her life depends on it, but (Y/N) actually has a great body. It was obvious to me that I wasn't the only one who noticed as well. Jean and Eren were practically drooling and even Connie was staring, receiving a nice slap from Sasha - which he totally deserved - while I found myself being slightly more subtle with the whole checking her out thing. She strutted out the door, leaving the silent office behind her.

"She must work out, where does she even find the time?" Jean finally spoke, receiving a prompt nod from Eren.

"I thought you two hated each other," I stated, receiving a light blush from Jean.

"Maybe, but anyone can get agree that (Y/N) has a super nice ass!" Eren said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"She'd fucking murder you if she heard you say that," I deadpanned. Eren's grin disappeared in a heart beat

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