Slut!Levi x Maid!Reader

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*(Y/N)'s PoV*

There goes another. A poor, innocent girl, stumbling out of the master's room at stupid o'clock, what remains of her clothes ripped, bite marks all over her skin, and this ridiculous smile that they all seemed to have.

It sickened me, why in this day and age are women reduced to being such toys to a man like the master?

He's a brute, a cow, an ass. There's no other ways to describe him without using profanities.

He did this all to often, and all I could do was smile and greet him after his evening's 'activities'.

"Good morning, master!" was all I could say to him as he awoke. His clothes from the day before, barely still attached to his body, covered in creases that yours truly would have to get out before he next required them, which could be in a matter of minutes for all I knew.

"Hurry up and dress me," he would say bluntly, as he slowly sat up, his arms spread out wide in anticipation for me to undress and dress him again while I tell him his daily schedule.

It was the same, day in, day out, and nothing would change until the day one of us died. He and I are the same age, or a few years apart, the details were irrelevant and my master did not see it fit to tell me.

"You're schedule is completely open today sir, you are free to do as you desire," I would tell him as I tied his shoes. Those words were the ones I hated to tell him, because it always led to the same thing. Going out on the town, spending too much money on his 'friends', who only stuck around him for his money, getting completely drunk, and coming home with another woman, to whom he would make his sex slave for the evening.

But none of them would protest. How I wanted one of them to just tell him plainly that he was a heartless monster, and that she no longer wanted to share his company.

"Brilliant, I will be out today," he told me - as expected.

"Very well master, if you would be so kind as to come downstairs, your breakfast is ready," I would tell him, before stepping back and bowing.

"You lazy bitch, can't even bring my breakfast to me," he you growl before spitting at me.

I wanted to slap him, teach him the lesson that worthless brat deserved. He needed to be spanked like a small child. No human being should ever treat their fellow man in such a lowly fashion.

It was true his parents were dead, I know he loved them very much. I was his playmate when we were young, until a decade ago, when they passed away and I was demoted to his worthless maid. It was understandable that he would be affected by such an instance; He was such a wonderful boy when they were alive, he loved them so much. He looked up to his father so much, he told me on multiple occasions how much he wanted to be just like him when he was older, and more than anything I wanted him to achieve his goal. But how can I stand behind him now. All he is a pompous brat with no respect for anyone who isn't as financially stable as him. At least, that's how he acts.

But I could never leave him. Although he acts as if he despises me, I know he needs me. He's like a shattered vase, that was glued back together, and I'm the pillar that holds him up high, so he may be admired by his adoring fans. But what's a vase if it's not on show? If it has nothing to keep it from falling and shattering again? It's just a broken ornament that nobody notices.

That's Levi.

Levi stormed down the grand, spiral staircase to the dining room. The stairs were twisted in a perfect spiral, like a child's slinky toy pulled from each end. Each stair was a deep walnut, every step was dusted and shined to perfection, not a spec of dust in sight. The inner edge was painted antique cream, the paint was quite perfect; no dirt and no flaking or dents. It was exactly as Levi had requested it, completely spotless. Although the house would be easier to maintain with a larger staff, but with Levi's reputation amongst any workers of the service trade, he was unable to find anyone but me.

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