Chapter Two - I Felt Far Too Guilty

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Freddie's POV

"It's impossible mum, he's not going to like any of these."

I was seriously starting to give up, every idea I had started a paranoia that it would be wrong.

"Nonsense we've just got to give it a chance. There must be something you can think of, do you know any of his likes or dislikes?"

I thought hard about it, after all the years of bullying Max I had learnt pot shit about him. I sighed defeatedly. "I've never really got to know what he likes."

My mother gave me an angry glare.

"You know Frederick you really should have learnt something about him, what did he usually do at school?"

"Other than try and avoid everyone he possibly could?"

"Such a poor boy, I bet all he wanted was for someone to be nice to him. You can't really come back from being that bad Frederick, he's probably going to be a loner his whole life now and it's all because of bullying. This is why I discouraged you and scolded you whenever you got told off for bullying, unfortunately your father saw it as you showing your authority and manliness so encouraged it."

"I'm sorry mum but I had to do it to remain popular."

"Don't you think that's quite selfish of you?"

"I suppose looking back it is and I apologise for it."

"It's not me you should apologise to, though is it?"

"No mum I will apologise to him and make it up to him."

"Why don't you go to him tomorrow and apologise, maybe you could even find out a little more about him."

I thought about it, it was true the only thing I knew about Max was he liked to read and he had no friends. He didn't do any sports that I knew of, he certainly didn't do any of the sports I did. I guess my mum was right I did need to apologise to him.

"I suppose I could but what if his dad is in or Max is out?"

"Then you keep going around until you speak to him. Doesn't he have a phone or Facebook or something?"

Did Max have Facebook? I think there was something last year where someone found his Facebook but it was private. Maybe I should have a browse see if I can't find him. I had seen him with a phone as well, it wasn't bad, it wasn't flash or anything but then again it was probably for if he needed to contact his dad rather than like mine a portal to the world of friends. Thinking about how lonely his world must be made me upset. My mum must have noticed. "What's wrong Freddie?"

"I'm just thinking about how lonely he must be. You're right I will definitely apologise tomorrow. Goodnight mum I'll see you tomorrow."

I ran upstairs and went straight to Facebook. There were a few notifications and messages but I wasn't on there for them instead I went right to the search bar 'Max Jones' come on he has to be there.


Sure enough he was there, I clicked on his profile and as I thought it was private. I sent him a friend request, what harm could it do? All I had to do now was wait for him to accept. After about ten minutes of waiting I got bored and stared to browse his profile to see if there was anything public. No information, no statuses...ah wait profile pictures, there weren't many and by not many I mean six. His most recent one must have been around Christmas, it showed him and his dad smiling together in wool jumpers, looking back over his profile pictures they were all of him and his dad, is he really that lonely? I felt a pang in my heart and guilt building in my stomach, I never considered before how actually lonely he was. I was being so selfish bullying him when he had no one to help him or to turn to. I continued to think about him and started to wonder what he was doing this very second.

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