Chapter Eight - My Man Smell

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This may be a late update and I apologise, college is tiring me out and most nights I end up passing out early. It is a sort of combination of early mornings, late finishes and not eating right. Luckily I've had this weekend to rest up so I'm feeling better now, and as of this week I'm only doing three days rather than four.

Again comments are welcome.

Vince Sant:- Dan King

Freddie's POV

When I woke up I wasn't looking at my ceiling and there was a weight on my chest. Looking down I smiled.

Reaching down I stroked Max's hair and he snuggled into my chest, damn could I get used to this. His hair was disheveled but still soft and the gentle sound of his breathing was enough to send me crazy.

I wrapped my arms around his body, neither of us were wearing shirts and I was pretty sure I was only in my boxers.

Max awoke looked down at my chest and smiled then started drawing random patterns on my chest.

"Good morning Freddie. Did you sleep well?"

"It was the best sleep I've had in a while."

"You smell so good. What is that?"

"I think it's just my man smell."

"Well I think I like it."

Oh Max, you have no idea how crazy you drive me. You can have my man smell every morning if you so wish. He is just perfect, totally and utterly perfect. His husky morning voice, the feel of his skin against mine, his personality all perfect.

I nestled my nose into his hair and inhaled, he was fantastic. He smelt amazing.

"I think I like your scent too."

"Freddie, do you think anyone would care if we stayed like this today?"

"I would hope not, I'd hate to leave this position."

"I'd hate it too."

My breath suddenly hitched when I felt him peck my chest and smile against my skin. I couldn't hold back my smile. I lifted him up to kiss his lips.

"Max you are wonderful."

"Freddie you are too."

I brought him down to meet my smiling lips. Our mouths moved against each other, he is getting better at kissing already. I ran my hands over Max's body as he held himself up to allow me access to his body. Every inch of his skin felt amazing, with each stroke of his body I felt myself become lost in Max. We broke the kiss for air.

"Max you are incredible, when I'm with you I forget everything and all I know is you. I want you."

"Not yet Freddie, it isn't the right time. You still have to impress me with that date."

He's teasing me now, but if there is more of this I will do everything I can to impress him. I need more of him. I need him to give all of him to me. I need to give all of myself to him. I need him to have me as I need to have him. I want to give him everything I've got.

There was a knock at Max's bedroom door. Not long after his dad entered followed by my brother. I groaned at the sight of Dan hungrily eyeing Greg.

"Good morning boys I trust nothing happened?"

Max spoke as I hid my embarrassment.

"No dad nothing happened we had our underwear on all night."

"That's good then. As you can see Dan is here."

My brother nearly fainted when Greg said his name and he giggled a bit. Greg looked at him weirdly.

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