Chapter 2

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I shot up straight in bed, I was covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

I awoke with a gasp, my mind reeling. The dream had been so vivid, so real, that for a moment I thought I was still in that horrible place. Then, as my eyes grew used to the darkness, familiar objects began to appear out of the gloom.

"What was that nightmare about? Good thing it was only a dream."

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sat up in my bed. I looked over at the clock. The time said 9:50.

Then I began to think. "What if that wasn't a just a dream, but a warning." For some reason, I didn't take this nightmare lightly.

I didn't have high school to attend to. It was summer. So, we had summer holidays

My eyebrows knitted together, as I thought. Who was she? I never seen her before and God forbid but I would never want to come across to her. Why would she want me? Why would she hate me? I don't know her and we never met. Ever.

It's just a dream I assured my self.

What was it with this nightmare and that girl I have never met.

I walked over to the window and reflected on my sunny surroundings. I had always loved the beautiful view from my window. It always made me calm. The sun outside was shinning and everything was calm. It was a place that encouraged me tendency to feel happy.

Then I saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jem, and his full name was Julian Lewis. we have been friends for-- how long? I couldn't remember. It was as if he appeared out of nowhere and we became friends somehow. 
He was wearing black jeans with a blue shirt. He loved wearing dark jeans, it suited him.

What was he doing here? I thought.

I glanced at my own reflection. I saw a  of tall girl with long eyelashes and small lips, she had perfectly tanned skin, dark glossy hair that was iron-board straight and fell to her shoulders and light green eyes. sometimes the colour of my eyes would change depending on the light.  I see a narrow face, wide, round eyes,and a long, thin nose, sometime in the last few months I turned sixteen.

I stepped outside and Jem came closer, I could see the smile on his face. Jem gazed with affection. He said, "It doesn't look like you got enough sleep." pointing at the dark circles under my eyes.

I looked back, Jem knew if I slept or not, he always did. We both knew everything about each other and we never hide any secrets.

"Yeah," I replied. There was no hiding it.

We looked at each other with a smile, like two best friends or... Or maybe more.

"Wait! It wasn't that nightmare again, was it?" asked Jem with a concern.

"You know me so well." I said with a smile and he smirked raffling his hair. His soft hair, I loved his hair. I always loved touching his hair, it was so soft. Kind of like a cats fur.

What the hell am I thinking? I thought to my self. His hair is such a distraction and his face too.

"Well then, come in. Or did you just come here to ask me if I got some sleep or not?"

He chuckled and stepped inside.

I'm really sorry for the late update. I didn't want to continue this story for many reasons - including I'm not the best writer out there e.g. I make grammer mistakes, I'm kinda worried of what you might say and I've an idea for this story but it's hard to use word... If you know what I mean. But I do try my best & this is my first story. Expect if creative writing in English counts. Which I doubt it.

Hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry it's short but I'll try and update ASAP.

Vote/comment/like, If you want. You don't have to, I know I'm not good.

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