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Chapter 3: Promises

Sawyer's POV

"Look I'm sorry James." Blake apologized and he opened his arms so he can give me a hug. I have him a hug and cried on his shoulder.

"Why do you hate me?" I ask him.

"I don't hate you." He exclaims.

"Then why do you act like it?" I ask again.

"How am I acting like it?" He asks blankly.

"Because you take advantage of me just to get to my best friend." I get out of the hug and wipe my tears away.

"I promise I won't do it again." He looks me deep in the eyes and I reply, "yeah right." I continue, "Mr. Logan may I go back to class?"

"Sure but I'm watching you James, don't screw this up again or I will suspend you." Mr. Logan gives me an evil stare before I go and I nod as I walk out the door.


"So how did it go?" Ivy asks.

"Not so good." I walk away from her and I hear her footsteps run to me.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Blake thinks I'm a nerd because I like writing." I explain.

"You aren't a nerd, you are you and that's final.......just don't listen to him." Ivy pats my back.

"Well who am I?" I ask her with teary eyes.

"Sawyer James." She answered putting her hand on my cheek.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"The bravest and strongest girl you will ever meet." We stop walking and I hug her tightly.

"Thank you." I mumble loud enough that she could hear me.

"For what?" She asks.

"For being my friend." I tell her.

Her smile fades away and I look at her in a puzzled way.

"Right friend." She finally speaks and walks very fast.

"Bye." I wave to her and she doesn't say anything.

What happened? I thought.


The next day......

Ivy's POV

I really thought that this would be the time we would be best friends. I guess not. I mean we have been friends for a week already. Wait! That's not even a long time? Oh well I still want to be considered her best friend. I need someone in my life that completes me and she is the one that did.

*knock knock* I answer the door and see that it's a man with a package in his hand. "Delivery for Ivy Cales." He said.

"Thanks." I grab the package from him and close the door.

The box says:

This is for the special person that completed my life.

I opened the box and there was a tiny box and a letter inside. Of course I read the letter first. It read:

Dear Ivy,

I know why you left me yesterday. I'm so sorry about it. Of course you are my best friend, and that will never change that. I was too afraid to say you were my best friend because I never knew we were. Please forgive me. To promise you that I will never leave you I got us an infinity necklace. Hope you like it.

~Sawyer James

A tear streamed down my face and I wiped it away as I opened the little box that was inside. I absolutely adored it. When my nephew came around, I asked him if he could buckle the necklace for me. He said yes and did it. I hugged it close to my chest and got ready for Blake's party.

Before I even started I called Sawyer to come over, "hi come over we need to get ready for this party." In a minute she was here with dresses from her closet.

"Okay which one looks the best, this one or this one?" I ask Sawyer. The dresses I picked out was a blue with rhinestones on the waist that is right above my knee and the other one is white with a blue fade to it and has and open back and goes down to my knees.

"I think the white with blue fade because it shoes you." Sawyer explains.

"Okay dokay." Sawyer looks at me oddly once again and moves on with her life.

"Okay I chose these. Which one would look the best on me?" Sawyer asks. Her dresses was a black with a puffy bottom that is a navy blue that goes an inch above her knees. And the other one is a plain blue with rhinestones on the collar bone.

"The black and blue one because the other one is really plain." I explain and we go to the bathroom to change.

"Woah you look hot!" Sawyer says as I get out of the bathroom and turn a little so I can see myself.

It was Sawyer's turn so she went in the bathroom and comes out with a wide smile.

"OMG SAWYER YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!" I screech in excitement.

"Thanks let's put on some make up because I need some mascara for these plain eyes." Sawyer complains.

"Lol, hey do you know how to do eyeliner?" I ask.

"Yurp." I look at her oddly and just nod my head.

"My cousin taught me how before she died from a disease." Sawyer says sadly.

"Oh......I'm so sorry." I reply.

"Oh no it's okay it was her fault anyway." She says calmly.

"How?" I ask.

"She smoked weed at a very young age and had sex one day at 15 and got a very rare disease that doctors had troubles curing so she died a week later." Sawyer cried a little but stopped herself instantly.

"All done." She replies and I look at it.

"Thanks." I look at it in the mirror.

"You're welcome." Sawyer answers.

"Now to do mine." She goes in the bathroom and locks the door which kinda got me worried but I shouldn't because maybe she wants alone time.

I hear a thump coming from the bathroom and I unlock it to see that Sawyer cut herself.......


A/N: Well that was a twist. Tell me in the comments what you thought about it. Hope you enjoyed. Bye!😘😘


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