Part Six

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Sunlight baked the ground as we stood before Sifu. As usual, we were silent, waiting for his instructions. I focused on controlling my breathing: In through the nose, out through the mouth. Control your body through your mind. 
"Good morning, students," Sifu greeted us.

"Good morning, Master," we replied in unison.

Sifu began to pace in front of us. "Now, the five of you have been training individually for the last few weeks in order for you to learn the basics of your styles. I would like you to demonstrate your skills to each other before we begin something else. Alright?"

"Yes master," we said.

"Violet," Sifu said. "Come out to the front here, where we can all see you." Violet obeyed and turned towards us, assuming a neutral stance.

"Begin," Sifu ordered. Immediately, Violet began to show a series of different movements. Her body weaved, rippled and bent in all directions as her hands jabbed rapidly out at an imaginary opponent. I knew Violet studied the Snake Style. Sifu had briefly explained to us that snake practitioners had to learn all about the human anatomy; memorise where every pressure point in the body lies,  and become extremely flexible. She seemed to be making good progress already.

"Stop!" Sifu called. Violet froze in her current position. Sifu slowly circled her, studying her accuracy. He slowly nodded. "Very good, Violet," he praised. "You had good fluidity in your movements, though you need to learn to move and strike faster. Remember, patience and speed will help you to win any fight." Violet rose and bowed to Sifu before coming back to the line. 

The demonstrations continued. Matthew's movements were full of elegance, like the white crane. He sweeped his arms like a bird, his fingers extended as feathers. Lawrence leaped about like a monkey, staying close to the ground. He made strange facial expressions, scratching his head before he would suddenly leap upwards and attack. Mark also stayed close to the ground, his hands formed in the shape of mantis hooks. His front leg was extended outwards while his back leg stayed underneath him. He moved back and forward, watching for a few moments before he darted up and struck, using his hooks to disable his "opponent."

Before I knew it, it was my turn. I strode out to the front and turned to my friends. All four of them had had fast, strong attacks and defenses. How would I do? There's only one way to find out. Like the others, I bowed to our master before I began my movements. All my anxiety left me as I began to perform. I bared my teeth and roared just like a tiger. My hands moved quickly, striking and raking the air. I even added a couple of impressive jumps into my attacks. I continued for a few minutes before I whirled and dropped to the ground, my right leg and arm extended out to the side with my left leg and arm tucked back. I didn't move, keeping my hands fixed in tight claws. My eyes moved to my friends, who were staring at me. Some were shocked. Others seemed impressed with my forms. 

As he had done with everyone, Sifu approached me and circled me. I felt my body tense, not daring to move. Then, he nodded and stepped back. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Still, I didn't attempt to move from my position. He didn't speak for a few moments. "Skylar," he said finally. "Your forms are excellent, but you need to work on not moving too quickly. Remember, the tiger only attacks when it is cornered." He blinked. "You can return to the line now." I was surprised at how stiff I was when I stood up and bowed to him. As I joined the end of the line beside Violet, Sifu continued, "To be honest, I wasn't expecting what you demonstrated today. What any  of you demonstrated today." He observed us quietly. "You have all shown great talent and skill in kung fu. Much more than I ever anticipated you could be capable of. That is why today, you will be beginning in the next level. But before I begin to teach you these new skills, we still have something to complete." I exchanged a glance with Violet. "Not yet, though. You can return to your barracks for lunch. I will be expecting you back at one o'clock sharp." We bowed to him before beginning to make our way back to the barracks. 

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