Part Sixteen

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Mark took up his lookout post again as Lawrence quickly repeated his instructions about climbing down. "And don't look down," he finished. "If you get dizzy, you'll fall. Got it?" We nodded. "Good. I'll go first," Lawrence said, already turning to lower his long legs into the hole. "Watch what I do." There wasn't much room for all three of us to crowd around the hole, but I did see how Lawrence carefully lowered himself, testing each ledge before putting his weight on it. 

"I'm going next," I murmured to the others. "He shouldn't be alone down there." Violet and Mark moved back to give me room. As I slid backward, I had a moment's panic that I was too big to fit. My shoulders scraped the sides of the roof, but then I was through, clinging to the inside of the shaft with all four limbs. Below me I heard Lawrence whisper softly, "That's right. Go slowly. Remember that I'll catch you if you fall, okay?" I nodded before I slowly began to work my way down the shaft. Once a part of the shaft collapsed under my weight and I slipped, gasping with terror and I felt frantically for another hold on the ledge. When I found one, I had to rest for a few moments, my heart pounding at my ribcage so loudly I thought it might alert the enemy warriors. I heard Mark's slightly annoyed whisper just above me. "Are you going to hang there all night?" I gritted my teeth. I can't let him see that I'm scared. I searched for the next ledge to put my hand on. Sooner than I expected, Lawrence whispered, "You can jump down now." I bunched my muscles and pushed myself off before landing on the ground a couple of metres down. Mark came down next, followed by Violet.

"Brilliant!" Lawrence's eyes shone. "Now what?" 

I looked around, spotting a narrow passage not too far from where we stood. "Wait here," I whispered to the others. Setting my feet down as lightly as if I was stalking prey, I crept up to the corner and peered around. Just as I did so, I felt someone grip me and clamp a meaty hand over my mouth. I let out a screech of shock as the strange person carried me away from my comrades. I managed to pry the man's hand from my mouth and I screamed, "GUYS! HELP ME!" But there was no response. I was carried down stairs as I desperately struggled for freedom. I thrashed as much as I could, but no matter what I did, the man's grip did not free its hold of my body. I watched as the man carried me down to the bottom of the Keep. But then he started walking down stairs that led underground, and I wondered inwardly where he was taking me. 

He held onto me with one arm as he spun a wheel attached to the door before he threw me on the ground and started beating me. Memories of the Triad children who had attacked me all those years ago filled my mind, and I felt an inhumane scream escape my mouth as he kicked me and punched me again and again. I felt blood trickle out of my nose as the man kicked the door open and threw me onto the ground. I heard it slam shut behind me. Immediately, I realised that there were dark shapes all around the room. In the middle of the room was a bright light, and lying underneath it were my comrades. I gasped as I was thrown across to them. I scanned their faces. Matthew was nowhere to be seen. 

"Where is Matthew?" I gasped, struggling for breath. Suddenly, I realised that Violet was missing as well. "Where's Violet!?" I said in panic.

"We don't know," was Lawrence's throaty reply before he retched and coughed up a mouthful of blood. I shuddered as it pooled across the ground. 

"They could still be coming," Mark suggested softly. 

Lawrence blinked. "I don't think so." I stared at Lawrence for a moment before I looked past him to see a man with one jade-green eye. Dragon Eye. He has captured us. Just as he did Matthew. I felt the tears coming before I could stop them. I couldn't save him. The thought made the tears spill over, but I made no sound as I stared at Dragon Eye with a fierce hatred that I didn't know existed. He stepped into the dimmer part of the light, an evil gleam in his eyes. "Hello, children," he greeted us. "I presume you are doing well?" He let out a menacing chuckle. 

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