Part Twenty-Six

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At least in this cell, I had the opportunity to escape the darkness.

Whenever it all became too much, I would go to the roof, and stare out at the freedom I would never possess. I didn't look at the stone anymore. For some reason, it felt wrong. It no longer comforted me like it used to. Only the place where I had sat with Kai brought me peace now.

Why did I feel so disappointed when he left?

I waited for days on end, but Dragon Eye did not come. I no longer marked the days with that feeble piece of chalk. My days here didn't matter, as long as I killed Dragon Eye before he killed me.

One night, when I was sitting on the roof, I thought I heard footsteps approaching the cell. Terror ran through me and made my blood cold. "My time has finally come," I whispered. Dragon Eye didn't know that I could climb to the top of the cell and gain freedom. He also didn't know my comrades had escaped and were safe, far, far away from here.

Just as I landed on the floor, the door to my cell burst open, and there stood the demon himself. 

"Hello, Skylar," he greeted me. Looking up, he smirked evilly. "So. They died, did they?"

"Yes," I lied, my voice as sombre as I felt. "The guards came and buried them."

Dragon Eye's eye gleamed with pleasure. "Wonderful!" he exclaimed. Jutting his face close to mine, he hissed, "Our battle has finally come, dear sister." With a click of his tongue, two guards came and chained my wrists and ankles. We then left my cell for the last time. 

As Dragon Eye led us, I went over my battle moves in my head, preparing for my final battle.

We finally stopped, and one guard went to open the door. As he pushed it open, the second guard who had taken over holding me threw me into the room wordlessly. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Dragon Eye murmured some words to his guards before undoing my chains and tossing them to the guards before the door slammed shut with a click of the lock. There was no going back now.

"This is it," I whispered.

"Indeed." I hadn't realised Dragon Eye had heard me. He crouched before me, and he whispered, "Now. Tell me about the purpose of the Six Pieces of Five."

I shook my head in defiance. "Never," I snarled. The significance of the Six Pieces of Five is that when one of the Furious Five dies, a sixth person, rather the fifth, will take the place of the dead member, so the Furious Five will never truly be lost. If Dragon Eye found out about this, he would hunt the sixth person down and kill them, thus destroying the sacred bond. When Violet supposedly died, I thought the time had come. But it had not. 

Dragon Eye kicked me hard in the face. "Tell me!" he roared. 

"No!" I insisted, earning another sharp kick.

"You will tell me, or I will kill you."

"You know what? Let's make a deal, brother." I snarled the word with disgust. "We will fight, one-on-one." Dragon Eye listened with interest. "That means none of your guards can assist you, just as my comrades cannot help me."

"Since they're dead," Dragon Eye sneered.

I ignored his statement. "If I beat you, I get to kill you. But if you beat me, I will tell you the legend of the Six Pieces of Five, and then, you can have the honour of killing me and taking all the glory for yourself."

"That sounds fair," Dragon Eye agreed before lowering himself into a fighting stance. My breath shook as I followed suit, dropping into a low tiger stance. I knew the finality of this battle just as much as he did, and I knew in my heart that each of us would fight as hard as we could to win. But I will fight with honour and dignity, and that will bring me victory. I snarled as we started circling each other, neither of us willing to make the first move. 

Suddenly, he shot forward with a loud screech of defiance. As he came close, I instinctively lashed out at his face, digging deep into his flesh. 

The first mark of battle had been a brutal one.

Dragon Eye screamed as his hand went to his face. No, not yet, I told myself. The battle has just begun. Wait. As we locked eyes, I knew this was going to be the hardest battle of my life.

Maybe even my last.

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