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Chapter 6 -------> Mission

I woke up to the impure sounds of lovemaking, coming from my mother's room. How could she possibly forget that I was in the house. Its late in the afternoon and my stomach is growling ferociously. Getting up, feeling a little light headed, I quietly walked to the kitchen to get a drink and food, but the drink I need to quench my dry throat from the screaming I had done yesterday. The loud groans of satisfaction filled the entire house. Losing my entire want for the drink, I hastened back to my room, just in time to see my mother and Carlos stark naked coming from her room.

All - Father have mercy on our eyes...

I couldn't agree more, I thought closing the door. It seemed as though that mother kept on forgetting to lock my bedroom door. Their sounds of laughter drifted through the hall, then quieted once they returned to her room. Listening out to see if it was safe for me to go back to the kitchen, I went carefully. Finding a piece of bread and butter, I quickly spread the butter on the bread, filled a glass with water and returned to my room. My stomach complained at the little food it received, but that was the only thing there.

Lying down on the cardboard, I looked at the ceiling; wet stains from the rain, created designs from the hard pelting, making holes in the roof. The designs were abstract in a sense and would have been beautiful with a hint of colour. Sighing deeply to my self, turning onto my side, I thought of more happier things. My mother. My real mother.

**She was dressed in her usual flower dress. Her natural black hair that seemed nappy, but smooth to the touch, was combed in a puff at the top of her head. Her smile prettier than diamonds, directed its shine towards me as she urged me to walk towards her.

"Come Elle! Come to mommy,'' she encouraged me, while shaking a lollipop in her hand to try and entice me to walk. It obviously worked, seeing that I had helped myself up on my chubby feet, standing proudly with a toothless grin. I took a step forward with both hands outstretched in front of me, as if it would help me balance.

''Yes! Come on baby! Come to mommy,'' she cheered excitedly. Seeing me trying to walk made her very happy. A few more steps and I suddenly fell to the ground. Wailing loudly as I did so, my mother felt pity and came over to help me stand up once more. Smelling the candy, I tried to grab it from her hands, to which she just smiled and said no. ''If you want it, come get it yourself,'' she scolded me with no hint of sounding harsh. Walking back to the chair a few feet away from me, she stooped to my level and began waving the candy. I really wanted that candy, so I balanced myself again and made my way slowly towards her. Laughing happily that I had two more steps to reach my mother. She couldn't hold the excitement any longer, lifted me into her arms, hugging me and dancing around the room.

I hugged her back, laughing while she danced with me. She finally stopped spinning to give me my treat.

"Ove u mama,'' I said thanking her with a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Your welcome baby," she replied smiling. **

Beep! Beep! Bee-beep!

The sound of a car beeping, rudely interrupted my thoughts. Groaning with anger, I heard my mother shouting goodbye to someone. It must have been Carlos, that bastard. Sitting upright I heard my mother's footsteps coming towards the door. Shocked as she was that she must have been sure she had locked the door. Putting those thoughts aside, she pushed a plate of food towards me. Not even to bother say a word, she left just as quickly as she came. My actions were swift as I took one look at the plate and charged towards it like a famished dog. The thought of she poisoning me were long gone as I ate with a need.

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