Nice? I Don't Believe It

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Chapter 3 ----------> Nice? I don't believe it

Clink! Clink! Clink!

The usual sound of metal upon metal awoke me from slumber. Across the room was Eliza, turned on her head, button eyes reflecting the sunlight outside; Her threaded smile never faltering. Guessing since mother is making noise, its 6 o' clock in the morning. Too tired to walk, I walked over to Eliza and held her close to my chest. I traced her black hair with my finger tips, wondering if my real mother missed me or even realised that I was gone. Many times I stayed up thinking about her, but memories of how she looked in my nightmares replaced her beautiful face. Not wanting to start crying again, I ignored the thought.

"Chil' !'' my mother called for me.

"Comin','' I replied. Holding Eliza's hand I pushed myself of the cold floor towards the door; today I knew my chores will be extra work. I desperately prayed I didn't have much to do. God must have answered my prayers because she only handed me a list to go to the shop. Eggs, vinegar, cream soda, five oranges, bread and two packets of salt, were the items on the list. My tummy grumbled loudly at the thought of eggs. She shoved $1,000 in my hand, told me to hurry up and bring back her change. I ran as quickly as my thin, bony legs could carry me, Eliza dangling along beside me.

The big, metal gate squeaked when I opened it. Mother must have lifted the spell, just so I could go to the shop. Outside felt peaceful and was fairly quiet, since it was so early. I tried to enjoy the fresh air as much as I could while running toward the shop at the top of the road. Panting and out of breath, I finally reached the colourful blue, green, purple and yellow building, 'Mama T's Shop' it read. I entered climbing up the big steps, saying good morning to Mr. William, I placed my hand through the rectangle opening, giving the shop owner the piece of paper with the order. Giving me a look of pity, she took the paper.

''How yuh doing chil' ?'' Mr. Williams asked

''Fine.'' I replied in a cracky whisper.

''See yuh tings here," Miss T said, pushing the groceries out the opening,''Careful wit di eggs,'' she warned as I took the bag and handed me the change as well.

''Tank yuh ma'm,'' I said politely. With a quick goodbye to the two of them, I ran out the shop.

"Wait chil' !" Miss T shouted for me to stop. With a worried look, I went back up the steps. "Notin' wrong, dear, jus' want to gi yuh dis," she assured me, handing over a sweetie.

With a big grin, I thanked her and ran back without any interruptions this time. Once I arrived back home, mother grabbed the bag and walked off without a word of thanks. That didn't bother me though because I had a sweet and I didn't have to share it with anyone, excluding Eliza of course. Making my way to my room, I closed the door behind me, craving the sweet and frustrated that I'm taking so long to open the wrapper.

Me - Aren't you gonna share...

Myself - Leave her be, let her have her candy...

"Thanks" and with that said, I devoured that sweet and it surely was worth it. After all, I haven't eaten in two days and anything to settle the constant conversation with my stomach, like the sweet, was well deserved to be eaten by a pig. Not long after being satisfied by the sweet, the smell of eggs being fried wafted underneath the door frame. My stomach must have smelt it too, when it grumbled to tell me I needed those eggs right now.

"Aurielle! Come yah gyal!"

" Comin', " excitement filled me as I thought of the warm, cooked eggs filling my mouth with such pleasant taste. Walking back to the kitchen, the sight of the eggs was the first thing that caught my eye, making me drool inside my mouth. Toasted, sliced bread with butter, was placed in another plate beside the eggs; a cup of warm chocolate tea was on the other side.

"Eat dat and nuh bada me again," mother said. I didn't bother asking what I had done to bother her before, but instead I sat at the small, round table, ready to begin eating like a wild animal again. A thankful prayer was sent to God and the war between my stomach and I will finally soon be ceased. Mother shook her head distastefully at the way I was attacking the food. She shouldn't be so judgemental, when she herself doesn't even feed me.

The war has won and I can now say I've never been more happy in my life. With a full tummy and nigeritis settling in, I decided to go to my room for a nap. Sleep, I guess has made up its mind to forgive me because once I stepped inside, I fell to the floor, stretched for the 'pillow' and fell asleep.



Not my best chapter... but it will do because next chapter... hehehe ;)

Q11 - Why is Miss Esmin so kind all of a sudden?

A- You'll find out next chapter.... :0

Q12 - Why did she attack the sweet and the eggs like a wild animal?

A - Isn't it obvious... the girl is literally deprived of food for most of the time and when

she does get food, she doesn't waste any time at all... haha


#1 ''How are you doing child ?'' Mr. Williams asked

#2 ''Here are your things," Miss T said... ''Be careful with the eggs,'' she warned

#3 ''Thank you ma'm,'' I said politely.

#4 "Wait child !" Miss T shouted for me to stop.

#5 "Nothing is wrong dear, I just wanted to give you this," she assured me,

#6 "Aurielle! Come here girl!"

#7 "Eat that and don't bother me again," mother said.

You must be wondering why Aurielle speaks english with her imagination friends, but with other people, the Jamaican creole... well, thats just how she does mostly depends on how she feels. It will switch sometimes you'll see.

Oh! Aurielle's birthday is coming up soon! *happy dance* She'll be six years old!

Q13- How is it that you speak English so well?

A- Jamaica's main language is English, we just have our own way of speaking it , which is broken English (creole or patois- which ever one suits you to describe it as)

Btw... sorry for the short chapters... :3
Picture of Eliza at the top...
Thanks for reading teddy's! Like and Comment!

- CandyxCane

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