The Platform

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I rush to my dresser and shove my clothes into my black suitcase.
I glance at the clock and see its 9:23. I woke up kinda late and I forgot to pack everything yesterday (Whoops).
I grab my red purse and, stick my wand, wallet, and other necessities in there. I then run to the bathroom fix my hair, brush my teeth, etc.
Now I run downstairs with all my things, throw on my shoes, and head for the kitchen.
I smell, an array of smells in the kitchen. Potatoes, bacon, eggs, cheese, and banana bread.
"For your last day before school sweetheart." She gave a small smile and waved her hand at me to sit down and eat.
I finish eating at about 10:10.
"Shall we go then? " I ask.
"Oh yes. Let's go." My mum says.
Mum, dad, and I make it out the door in the car to the train.
I cannot wait.


My Parents and I arrive at Kings cross.
"We don't have much time Ami, come on. " We speed up and we arrive at platform 9.
"Here you go sweetie," and my dad hands me my train ticket. I look at hit and it says platform nine. But everyone is already on the trains right here. Doesn't look as crowded as it should, considering how many students attend Hogwarts.
"Its right over here Amelia. "And we walk towards the barrier between platform nine and ten. With a confused look on my face, I look back at my train ticket and it says platform nine and three quarters. But that can't make any sense?
I look back at my dad.
"What? Where's the train? "
"Now Ami. This is where the magic part comes in. I listen to my dad as a bunch of noisy reds pass us.
Apparently, you walk through the barrier and it takes u to the train. Hmm. That's interesting.
I actually fully believe him when I see one of the last reds go right through it.
"Oop. There's only about eight minutes left." My mom reminds me.
My dad tells me, "Why don't u start off with a running start and we will come right behind you. Okay?" I nod and just go for it.
'Eyes open or eyes closed?' I debate in my head. The wall is 3 inches in front of me. I just run through it with my eyes open. Its feels normal. But then I see a platform full of wizards and witches, owls, cats, and toads. I see my parents come back behind me.
"Come on dear. "We walk more towards a the train the look at each other. I hug my dad first. He hugs tightly. I don't give as much back. I do see him for long periods of time anyway. I've never really had a connection with him. At least not as big as the ones with my mum.
I go to hug her. I hug her tightly and she returns that. We hug twice as long as I did with my dad. I didn't want to let go.
"Come on. Just a few minutes till it leaves," Dad says.
I get on the train and look for some where to sit. It's really crowded.
The train starts to move, so I look out the first window near me, right by the door. I stick mgy head out, waving, and waving.
They finally get out of sight and I start to make it towards to wards he end of the train, looking for a seat.
I open a compartment door and ask if I could sit there.
"Why of course." Said a brown haired girl with poofy hair, and she patted her hand on the seat.
I step in and put my suitcase in the compartment above and put my cat down next to where I'll sit.
I take a seat next to her and awkwardly give her a small smile.
I take my wand out and exmanie it and just play with it in between my fingers.
"Hi. I'm Hermione Granger. What's your name?" She sticks her hand out and I shake it.
"I'm Amelia Elizabeth. But you can call me Ami," I say
"Nice to meet you Ami. Nice wand you've got there. What is it?"
" I'm pretty sure it's Vine, 9 1/2, pliable and Unicorn hair. I really like it. "
"I like it to. It has the same wood as mine. " she pulls out her wand.
"So u know any spells?" She asks.
"Not really. I kinda am new to this wizarding stuff. I grew up as a muggle. I kind of only found out about this a few days ago to be honest.
"I'm a muggle-born too! But when I found out I learned lots of things. I absolutely love magic. "
I smile then look over to the boy sitting across from me.
"Hey. I'm Ami. Who are you? " I reach out my hand to him.
"I'm Neville. " He shakes my hand. "Neville long bottom." I again smile.
I pic up the carrier my cat is in and look at her.
"She's a cutie. What's her name? " Hermione asks.
"Her name is Kepi."
"Cute. " She says "I have a cat too. His name is Crookshanks. Would u guys like to see him?" We both nod. She lets crookshanks roam around a bit in this compartment. He's kinda cute. Really fluffy too. He even tried to get to Kepi, I think hey like each other.
Then a woman comes and opens our door, and Hermione snatches Crookshanks up.
"Anything off the trolley dears? " I look at the trolley. Not anything I recognize. This is a new world tho. Might as well try things. I do have quite a bit of money with me at the moment.
I decide to get a whole bunch of things. I could always keep thew extras for snacks right?
I give the lady some wizard money and suit back down.
"Hermione would u like some?" She nods her head and says thank u then takes a pumpkin pastie.
"Neville?" He eyes them. "Come one Neville. Don't be shy. I don't care " he nods and says thank you.
"Wait!" Neville says. "Wheres Trevor!"
"What?" I say confused.
"My toad!" Oh.
"I can go look around the train Neville." Hermione volunteers. I stand up too.
"I'll look too Neville."
"Thanks guys." And he started searching in our compartment.
I start asking around If anybody's seen a toad. After about ten carts and looking around the hallways of the train, I head back our compartment.
"Any luck? " Neville asks.
"Sorry dude"
After about a 2 minutes Hermione came back.
"Did u know Harry Potter Is here? He's just a few compartments away!" She squealed.
"Are you serious!" Neville asked. "That's just amazing."
"Uuuh... " I say. "Who the hell is Harry Potter?"
"You have to be kidding me! " Hermione said.
"Uuuuh. Muggle-ish remember."
"Oh yes. Right. Well then. " She sat down, "Harry Potter is extremely famous in. The wizarding world. The only one to ever survive a killing curse!"
"There's a killing curse?"
"Mmhm." Neville said.
She continued to tell me everything. About how he was just a baby, you-know-who, and his scar etc.
"Well that's just bloody amazing." I say. I lean back and eat a chocolate frog. I snatch it in the air and bite its head off.
"So," I say. "Could you guys maybe tell me about Hogwarts and the wizarding world?"
"Or course I can!!" Hermione says." Hogwarts is over a thousand years old! There were four founders, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw! When they opened Hogwarts, They made four houses. Kinda like categories, and sections. They made each house based on what they desired more important than anything else. Gryffindor is Bravery, Slytherin is cleverness, Hufflepuff is loyalty, and Ravenclaw is intelligence! " She kept going on and on about its history. I might have not played attention to that much but I did take In enough for understanding.
"So what house do you hope to be in guys? "
"Definitely Gryffindor! But I guess Ravenclaw wouldn't be bad..."
"Probably Hufflepuff I guess. I dunno, " Neville says
"What about you? " Hermione asks.
"Hmmm, I don't know. My dad was in Hufflepuff so that wouldn't be so bad....
"Your dad???"
"Well you see, my dads only a half blood and I grew up as a muggle so..."
I continued, " Slytherin sounds amazing! My grandad was in there! "
I looked over at Hermione and Neville. They looked surprised and disgusted."
"Nononoonooo.. You cannot go into Slytherin! So many bad witches and wizards came from there!"
"So?" I shot back. "That was them, not me. Plus. Its not like there aren't bad wizards who came out of other houses and its not like good wizards haven't been in Slytherin. And that's my grandads house."
"She's got a point, " thanks Neville.
"Who's someone great and famous from Slytherin then? I bet there is somebody"
Hermione bit her lip and looked down.
"Oh I know who she's thinking about!" Neville said.
"Who?" I ask
"Merlin was in Slytherin!"
"Oh my gosh! How famous was he?"
"Uuuh." Hermione said "Really famous"
"How famous is really famous?" I asked
"The greatest" she said.
"See! I knew it!" I lay back and look at the time.
"Should we change Hermione?"
"Yes I think we should Ami."
"I'll go to the bathroom," Neville said as he walked out the door.
Me and Hermione changed into out robes and uniform then waited for neville.
"So," I say sitting down. I pick up a box of Berty Botts every flavour beans. "Do they actually mean every flavour?" I'm assuming. I've never actually had them before."
"Hmm. Want to try them together? " I ask.
"Uuuuh." She seems hesitant but "sure" she says and reaches in and pulls out light blue one. I reach in, not looking, and pull out a brown one. I'm hoping for the best.
"Three" I say.
"Two" she says.
I say one popping the jelly bean oito my mouth. I chew it. Hmmm.
I spit it out and stuff a licorace wand into my mouth, to get rid of the flavour.
"What flavour did you get?" Hermione asked.
"Ughh! I think t was dog food or something. What did u get Hermione?"
"Hmmm. It tastes kinda minty. I think it might be toothpaste. Not bad to be honest. I could go for another " We both go I've out a chuckle.
When Neville joins us back in the compartment, we all continue to try more jelly beans.
I look out the window and see the castle come I to view. Its absolutely beautiful. Its humongous and looks beautiful with the lake surrounding it.
"Woah! Is that Hogwarts?" I ask.
"It is! Beautiful isn't it." Hermione says. I just nod. I'm in awe.
"Are you excited?" I ask them, jumping around a little on my chair.
"Yes I am!" Says Hermione.
"Hell yeah," Neville says.
I cant even imagine how it looks in there. I can't imagine the magic. I can't imagine I'm going to live here.
"You know what?" I say, flopping my butt down straight on the bench. "I realized I don't care what house I'm in. As long as I have a good time and make friends" I gave a little smirk, she returned it, and I continued looking out the window.

OK so I only went through this once. Next will be the sorting! ^~^. Vote this chapter and I'll vote back in one of urs! :3

Also I wrote most of this with a band aid on my thumb so there may be quite a bit of spelling mistakes I missed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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