Diagon Alley

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"Ami!" my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming! I'm coming" I grab my purse and run down stairs where my mum and dad await.

"Okay. Are u ready?" she asks.

"Yep" i say popping the p.

We get in the car and i ask "How long does it take to get to this place?"

"About half an hour" She replies. Oh okay. Okay.

I stick my nose in a book until we get there.

When we get out of the car we stand outside some creepy pub and my mum asks my dad, "How do we get in there again?"

"Right through here" He says as he leads us into the creepy pub. The bartender says hello to my dad asking what he would want but he declines and we continue walking all the way to the back outside. We come facing in front of a gigantic brick wall.


My dad taps the bricks and suddenly, I don't know how, The bricks in the middle start coming apart to let us pass through.  


We walk through and my breath is taken away. Its was so colorful. There are dozens and dozens of people dressed up really weird, in brightly colored robes and witch hats. There are magic shops all over selling all kinds of owls, selling broomsticks, robes, wands, all kinds of things. Its absolutely magical. 

Like being on another planet.

"Where are we going first?" I ask excitingly. Owl shop? Broomsticks? Wands?

My mum points to the huge building, bigger then all of the others, with a glass roof. It look amazing. Im not going to ask what it is. I dont care. I rush to it and my parents catch up to me. I burst the doors open and peak behind me to see if my parents are still there. I see the huge building looks like a bank? Is it a wizard bank. My parents walk past me all the way up to a counter. to be honest the goblins kinda creep me out.  We get in what kinda looks like a mining cart in a humongous tunnel, passing gigantic doors. When we get to our and open the door, the inside is almost full of copper, bronze and gold coins. 

After we have our wizard money, (Which my dad told me how they work. Wizards are stupid to be honest. Why so complicated?) 

We went shopping for all my supplies then went for ice cream. 

While eating ice cream i stare at the animals in the pet store. i wish I could get one. I do adore cats. 

My mum probably sees me staring at the pet store and says, " you could get a new friend to accompany you, if you want."

" Yes! Yes please!" I jolt out of my seat and throw my empty ice cream carton in the trash. We go into the store. There are so many different types of animals.  Some I have never heard of or seen before. I rush over to the owls, nervous to pet pet them, but i go ahead and do it anyway. Owls are so sweet! it turns it's head in my hand just like a cat does. 

I run over to the cats. I accidentally bump into a huge man carrying an owl. 

"Oops! Sorry! I'm sorry," I say to the huge man extremely fast. I pet almost all the cats, hugging and rubbing bellies, I find the perfect one. There is an absolutely adorable little, black long haired, cat. Her face is kinda flat and she is so cuddly. I pick her up and walk over to my parents with a smile on my face.

Arriving at the bricks, we wait for other people to pass through. I again see the gigantic man with a boy. I also see what i think are fairies?! They zoom around my head twice and go back where they were. I think Im going to like the wizarding world. 

When I walk through my front door I zoom to my bedroom and let , my new cat out. I play with her for awhile and feed her.

After eating dinner I go to sleep, exhausted, ready for the next day, to Hogwarts.

☆ ☾ *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ☆ ☾*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ☆ ☾

Okok, so I didnt rly edit this but I want u guys to know I am going to make this better and update more often. (*^▽^*) Hope it doesn't seem too rushed. You guys already read the books and/or watched the movies. You dont need too many details. 

(ps. V 4 a V and C 4 a C)

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