Chapter 1

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        My silent tears crept down my rosy cheeks as I tried to apply pressure on my bleeding stomach. This was now my fifth (man) who had adopted me. And each one had lead to either physical or sexual abuse. Scars and bruises were painted across my entire body. I just wanted wanted to live an ok life, but apparently that was just too much to ask for. Tonight that all was going to change for me. I had a plan, I was going to runaway...

        "Lacy, darling, won't you come down here?" Called Larry my current "Dad"

        "Sure thing," I responded trying to hide my oh-too-obvious sarcasm.

        I grabbed the nearest clean shirt and ran down stairs. He was drunk, I could tell. I turned hoping he hadn't seen me, but it was too late. He grabbed from behind and began sloppily kissing my neck. I cringed, he repulsed me, more than the others.

        "You know," I said turning to face him, "Legally, I'm supposed to be your daughter,"

        "Shut up," he retorted.

        His facial expressions changed so quickly. Seductive one minute and enraged the next. But tonight was the last night with him, so I played along. He grabbed me by my small waist and pulled me in so that our bodies were pressed against one another. He continued to kiss my body. I couldn't take it much longer, I was just ready to leave.

        "Umm, it's my bed time," I said taking a step back towards the steps.

        He took a step closer.

        "We can push it a little babe," he said. He reached his dirty hands out to touch my breast.

        I smacked his hand, big mistake.

        "Listen here," he said grabbing me by small shoulders and squeezing them to the point I could barely take the pain, "I took you into my house, you dirty, unthankful, slut,"

        I took the beating he gave me as usual and turned to leave.

        "Not getting off that easy this time," he said smiling wickedly.

        He went the kitchen. I knew what pain awaited me know. He returned carrying his carving knife that he used to carve my skin in pleasure. He pushed me down onto the table and immediately dug the blade deep into my upper arm. I screamed, he smiled his hideous twisted smile. He fed off of the pain he caused to me. He traced the knife over the scars he had previously made, being sure to penetrate even deeper than last, as if savoring the moment.

        How sweet. Sick, manacle, man that he is.

        "Still want to slap me?" He questioned laughing.

        Always have, always will, I thought, but keep those thoughts in my head and shook my head instead.

        "That's what I thought," he said, "Now get upstairs you're getting blood everywhere,"

        As if its my fault! I wanted to scream at him, make him feel the pain he had brought upon me, but I ran up the stairs and into my small, closet-like bedroom.

        I carefully climbed into bed trying my best to ignore the pain that immediately followed. I looked over at the wall to make sure my bag was as I left it, packed... Now all I had to do was wait.  I first grabbed some bandages I kept in my closet and wrapped them tightly around me new wounds.  I winced through the pain and bit my lip.  

        I unlatched the window and carefully pried it open hoping it wouldn't creak. It must have wanted me out too, because it was silent.

        I looked out and breathed in the fresh I hadn't been able to taste in over six months. In that time I has planned this moment, my escape and it was now in action.

        Once I reached the ground, I crawled my way to the street, not wanting him to have a chance of seeing me from any of the windows.

        I stood up, took out my map, and began to walk.

        It was about sunrise when I finally stopped to rest. Lacy, welcome to freedom. Well this was the first. But now I had no idea of where to go, all I needed now for my ok life is a place to call my home. Oh, and one other thing, people I can call my family...

        A/N So, this is my first published fanfiction! Vote for me if you like it! Support is what makes me want to write more, so comment and message me! Really hope some people out there will give my writing a chance!  

Much Love,


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