Chapter 18

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After we recorded my first song the next day, I headed back outside into the cold and back into the hotel room I was staying in, with my credit card.  As it seemed the boys were still paying for it.  

I heard my phone go off to the song of, "Spongebob Squarepants," I had forgotten to change it back after Harry changed it.  I pulled it out and answered it, without looking at the caller ID.

"Condom Central, are you calling to confirm your order of six hot pink medium condoms?" I said into the phone. 

"Yes," said Harry in a posh accent.

"Alright, that will be twenty grand," I said trying to be serious.

"Yeah right, Hey Delilah," He said causing me to smile

"Hey Harry," I said smiling at the thought of talking to him again.  

"You doing ok? When are you coming home?" He asked.  I frowned.

"I'm fine, but Harry," I began

"NO, don't say it, please," he pleaded, his voice cracked making tears come to the brink of my eyes. But I swallowed them down, burning the whole time.

"I'm not coming home," I managed to choke out.

"Please, I know Louis re-" he started, but I couldn't take anything that had to do with my ex-brother that I wasn't supposed to talk to again

I put my phone away. 

I went upstairs and thought about how the rest of live would be without the best thing that has ever happened to me...One Direction.  

A/N She let go of them.  She's left One Direction.  But can she acually let go of them for forever?  I love the comments you guys have been leaving, they have been making my day! Sorry it took me a while to update.  Hope you enjoy. 

Much Love,


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