Chapter 20

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        Once I reached my bedroom I began to freak out.  What the heck am I supposed to do now?

        I took out my phone and called the only person I could actually think to call.  

        “Hullo?” Said a voice once they picked up.

        “Hey, i-it’s Delilah,” I said shakily into the phone.

        “Why are you even calling?” He growled making me want to just die.  

        “I-i need your help,” I managed to get out.

        “So, you only call when you are asking for something?” He said, “Well I get it then,” 

        “Please, you don’t under-” I began but he cut me off.

        “No, I get it Delilah, but maybe you don’t,”  He muttered then sighed, “Just don’t bother calling us anymore, just leave us alone, goodbye Delilah,” 

        The line went dead.  I gulped.  Harry left me. I dialed a new number, not really hoping to get any help.

        “Heeeellloooo?”  Said a groggily voice into the phone

        “Umm, hi, it’s Delilah,” I said 

        “Oh my god! I’ve missed you so much, where have you been?”  He said like he just jumped.

        “Umm, at a hotel, listen to me though,” I began waiting for a response.


        “Umm, ok, what?” he said slowly.

        “Larry’s coming for me,” I said in a really fast tone. 

        “He’s what?” He said in an angry and worried tone.

        Before I could even respond, he was already talking again.

        “I’m going to get you,” He stated 

        “I can’t go back though,” I said

        “Then we will just have to hide you form everyone then won’t we,” He said and I could just tell he was smiling.  

        I smiled, god I love this boy.

        “Thanks,” I said then told him my address. 

        I got off the phone and packed all my stuff.  

        I went out to wait for his car, it finally showed and I jumped in.  

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