Chapter 3

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          " I was in one too." I said, his green eyes got lighter. " a gang?" He asked, I nodded. : I doubt it." He said. " Take out your arm." I said, he took it out. I twisted his arm quickly and he tried to quickly untwist it from behind his back, " Then this is the point I put the kinfe to the person's neck." I said letting go of his arm. " Damn." He said, " Did I hurt you?" I asked. " Nah." He said, " You sure?" I asked. " Why did you do it?" He asked, " I did it for mum." I said quietly. He hugged me tight.

          " Harry." Dad grinned, " Hello Mr. Garrott." Harry smiled. " Call me Tim." Dad said, " Can I talk to you?" Harry asked him. " Of course." Dad said putting his papers down.

          " I give him permission but..." Dad said. I let out a groan, " Not to get pregnant." I said. " Alright Harry?" He said to him. " Promise." Harry said,

                                                                                        * Next Day *

          Niall and I giggled as we put a spoon on Liam's lunch tray. " w-why i-s-s there a s-s-spoon on my tray?" He asked. We both bursted out laughing, part of the people gasped. I turned around to see Harry with a black eye. I quickly got up ignoring the others, blood trickled down from his scratch by his eye. I grabbed his arm and toom him to Mr. Yelhez's classroom, " What's wrong?!" He asked. " I need a first aid kit." I said. He took a quick look at Harry and quickly got it from his desk, " If you two need anything else, I will be in the office alright?" He said. I nodded, " I am fine." He said. " Sit down." I said opening the kit. " Who did this to you?" I asked, " Zayn." He quietly said. I dabbed the wipe making him let out a groan of pain, " Why?" I asked. " Because I am with you." He said locking eyes with me.

          I found Zayn and pushed him to the lockers, " Why did you hurt him." I hissed in his face. " He is gonna hurt you." Zayn growled, I noticed people were watching. " The only thing that hurts is that my best friend hurt him." I said, " Don't touch him." I said. " What are you gonna do." He laughed, " Holly, no." Niall said. I took my blade from my bag, his eyes went wide as I switched it open. " Don't even fucking try." I growled in his face.

          People were staring and backing away from me. " you wanna come over tonight?" Harry asked, " sure." I said as we went into his car.

          " hello dear!" Anne grinned hugged me, " hey." I grinned. " Holly, right?" A voice said behind me, she was taller than me. She looked a bit like Harry, " Gemma. I bet Harry never told you about me." She sighed. " He didn't." I said looking at him, he raised his arms in defence.

          Harry took me back home to get dressed since we are going to a party. I slipped on a red dress that fitted my curves perfectly then went flowly to my knees, " you ready?" Katie asked me. She was going along with us and Louis. " Remember not to drink." Dad said as I went downstairs, " I won't let her touch a drop." Harry said as I slid into red and white flats. " Thank you Harry." Dad said.

          The music was loud and red cups everywhere, " Smells horrid." Katie said scruching her nose up. Harry led me in, " Ahhh nice to see you two again!" The same guy said from the gym. " I didn't catch your name last time." I said. " Jim." He said, I felt someone grab my bum. " Jim take her over there." Harry said between gritted teeth, he took my hand. We went through the crowd and I saw Harry punch him fullforce. We went through the door to see more people. Drunk and jumping in the pool. " To the pool you go!" Someone shouted picking me up. I pressed on his pressure point on his shoulder and he fell. " Dayum!" Jim said as I got up, " You alright?" Harry asked putting his hand on my neck. I looked up to meet his sparkling eyes that made me melt, " Yea." I said.

          He was drunk, " Harry." I said softly. " Yea." he said in his raspy voice, It was never this deep. " Let's go." I told him.

          " Never seen him this piss drunk." Jim said, " Someone spiked the drink too much." I said turning to his drive, " Thanks Holly." He said getting out. " Not a problem." I said, " Just a warning, Just help him upstairs at his house. Then leave because it's gonna start getting freaking." He laughing. I shook my head, laughing. " Thanks for the warning." I said laughing. " not a problem." He grinned.

          I helpped him up the stairs as fast as he can then into his room. " I will see you tomorrow." I said kissing his forehead, " Stay." He said making me sit. " I can't." I said. His hand ran up my leg, " no." I said moving his hand away.

                                                                      * Next Day *

          I drove to pick Harry up, " Hello Holly." Anne smiled. " Hey, is Harry getting ready?" I asked. " Yup. " she said letting me in, " Want any breakfast?" Gemma asked. " No thanks." I said, " you sure?" She said with a grin. Chocolate chip pancakes, " Just one." I said sitting on the stool. " I'll go get Harry." Anne said going upstairs. " My brother likes you a lot." she said, I nodded putting the fork in my mouth. " He is dangerous though." she said, " I know. But it doesn't scare me." I said eating another peice. " the last girl he dated was scared and no other girl came back." She said. " I never told anyone this only my close friends and Harry. But um..." I said scratching my neck. she looked at me, " I was in a gang too." I said. She choked on her pancake, " You what?!" she said. I nodded, " So your the one who yelled in Zayn's face! My friend Chole told me." she said as I finished my pancake up. " He was the one who gave Harry the black eye and cuts. When Zayn found out Jamie was my mum, He got over protective of me." I said. " you two look pretty simular." she said as Harry came down. " I finally dragged this boy out." Anne said.

          Harry kept his head on my shoulder as I drove, we picked up Niall. " What's wrong with him?" Niall asked. " Hang over." I said pulled out of the drive.

          We ran in Phys ed, " Styles! why are you not running!" Mr. Kings yelled. I looked at him, " He feels sick." I shouted. " that is no excuse!" He yelled, Harry groaned putting his head on me shoulders.

          Next was maths, Harry copied off my notes. " You sure you wanna stay at school?" I whispered, " Yea." He said back. 

          Harry fell asleep at the lunch table, " Harry." I whispered. He let out soft snores, " I'll take his food...." Niall grinned. I grabbed the chips, " Whaa." Harry said.

          What a day...

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