Chapter 8

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This is so not happening. I can’t believe some cracked out idiots took me. Just took me. Not to mention what happened to Jaxon. He was left just standing there all alone. What happened to him? I have to get out of here, where ever here is.

I can’t seem to open my eyes though. No matter how hard I try they won’t open. They gave me some shot and since then I am still awake but my eyes won’t open and I can’t move. There is no sound either. Just silence. There isn’t even the sound of the air conditioning and it must be on as I am a freaking ice cube at the moment.

Beneath me is a hard unforgiving service. My hands are currently resting on my stomach and none of skin is touching beneath me so I’m not sure but maybe concrete? Metal of some sort? I have no clue. All I know is I’m cold and need to wake to hell up and go get Jaxon and run far far away from here.

So now is that point when the knight in shining armor comes and saves the damsel in distress. So I wait and wait some more. What feels like hours later I hear a door open and finally here is my knight! I am so wrong.

“So how are you today pretty lady? Good? That is so nice to hear. Oh wait you can’t talk, can’t move but you can hear and feel. This is going to be so much fun.” His voice is high pitched for a man and anger is really obvious in his tone. Why the heck is he angry for? What have I done?

I hear his feet shuffle across the floor. “You little half breed are going to make one amazing Teleios baby. I bet he will be the one to finally submit to Master Cane. I can see it, a bear that can bend all to his will. Oh the power we will have then.”

He walks slowly towards me the blood freezing in my veins. I have to move. If I don’t I am so screwed literally. Damn it! I try as hard as I can but not ever a twitch.

I was concentrating so hard on moving I didn’t realize he was right above me. He moved my legs apart and situating himself between them and whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry but we I’m going to pretend to rape you. Please forgive me.” He then bites my shoulder. Only a small bite and then proceed to do just what he said he would.

Half an hour later I was wishing I could die. I know he didn’t fully rape me but oh god he had to do things that will be with me forever. I just want Otto. I want that feeling I get when he touched my hand. I want to crawl into his lap and feel his arms around me.

“I am so sorry. Otto and others will be here soon to get you out. I am so sorry.” He got up and walked out of the door leaving me naked on the cold floor. I was still spread eagle wet in places that I shouldn’t be.

No thinking about that at the moment. Otto! Otto was coming. I can’t believe of all the people I could meet, I meet the one person who finds people for a living, the day before I need to be found. Some might see the luck in this, but not I. I see the obvious. I was taken because of him. He lead them to me they must be after him or trying to hurt him. I should have run once I heard he is into something so dangerous.

Now Jaxon is alone and who knows if they will be able to get me out of here. I scream in my head until it finally comes out of my mouth. Then I just scream until no sound comes out and then it’s back to screaming in my head until everything goes black.

Waking up in the same position as when I passed out I tried moving and was successful. I curled into a ball and cried. Cried for Jaxon all alone, cried for me and what happened. I cried scared that he will come back or someone else will come next time.

Getting all my tears out takes a while but I needed to let them out. As of now I will not cry again about any of this. No matter what happens I need to get out of here and get to Jaxon. Once I have him I am going to the church and begging the nuns for help to get out of here. I am sure they have friends who can help me.

Sitting up still naked as a babe, I looked for my clothes. He thankfully took them off so they aren’t ripped. After getting dressed I look around the room. The walls and floor are concrete with a drain in the middle of the floor. There are no windows only a door. I see a vent in the ceiling that I could fit into but I see a camera in the corner of the room and stops the blood in my veins.

Not only did they kidnap me. Not only did they violate me. They tapped it. This is recorded for some sick fucks enjoyment.

It felt like my mind shut off and another consciousness took over. I heard a roar from in the room but had no clue where it came from. I tried to turn my head but it wouldn’t move. I fell to the floor my body no longer supporting me. Then the pain started. Unbelievable pain.

I felt thousands of needles poking my skin. Every bone cracked and popped. I thought it finally happened I am going to die. It wasn’t dying on the street like I thought I would all those years ago. I actually have no idea what I am dying from though.

After all that agony a moment came when suddenly the pain stopped. I laid on the floor for a moment them looked down at myself but all I saw was fur. Brown fur. I looked at my hands and saw claws. Bear claws. I am a flippin’ BEAR.

I screamed but all that came out was a roar. I jumped to my feet. I tried to run away from myself then stopped. Hello how can you possibly run away from yourself.

I sat down and decided to think. I am a bear. I am locked in a room as a bear. Aren’t bears strong? Maybe I can knock the door down. Let’s give it a try.

Backing up as far as I can go I start charging the door. I close my eyes and sailed right through it wood flying everywhere. Score one for Taylor!

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